Cacti & Succulents
So you want to grow cacti and succulent plants in the garden but don’t know where to start. That’s simple. Tips for growing, caring and designing with succulents and various types of cactus begins here. Use our cacti and succulent growing guide to help answer any questions you may have. There are many types of cactus and succulent plants that can be grown in the home garden, and most are easy to grow. Keep reading to learn more about designing with succulents and start creating cactus gardens that your neighbors will envy!
Explore Cacti & Succulents
Epiphyllum Varieties: Types Of Cactus Orchid Plants
Epiphyllum are the gems of the cactus world. Commonly called orchid cactus, they produce absolutely stunning flowers. Click to learn more.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Fertilizing Cactus Plants: When And How To Fertilize A Cactus
Wondering how to fertilize a cactus plant can present a bit of a dilemma, because the first question that comes to mind is "Does a cactus need fertilizer, really?". Find out and learn more about fertilizing cactus plants.
By Gardening Know How
Autumn Joy Sedum Variety – Learn How To Grow Autumn Joy Plants
The Autumn Joy sedum variety has numerous seasons of appeal. This is an easy plant to grow and divide. Growing Autumn Joy sedums will enhance the garden while bestowing you with plenty more of these amazing plants over time. Learn more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Boojum Tree Care: Can You Grow A Boojum Tree
Fans of Doctor Seuss illustrated books may find similarity of form in the bizarre boojum tree. The unique architectural shapes of these upright succulents, lend a surreal note to the arid landscape. Learn more about the tree in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Aporocactus Rat Tail Cactus Info: How To Care For A Rat Tail Cactus
Gardeners only in the warmer zones can grow them outdoors, but rat tail cactus houseplants thrive in the interior landscape for most people. Learn more about rat tail cacti in this article. Click here for info.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Mangave Plant Info: Learn How To Grow Mangave Plants
Many gardeners are not yet familiar with this plant and are asking, "What is a mangave?". This is a relatively new cross between manfreda and agave plants, with more mangave colors and forms in the future. Learn more about this interesting plant in the following article.
By Becca Badgett
Cactus Potting Soil - Proper Planting Mix For Cacti Indoors
Cactus potting soil can enhance drainage, increase evaporation and provide the dry conditions that cacti favor. What is cactus mix? Learn more in this article. Click here for additional information.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Planting Agave: How To Grow Agave
Agave is a long leaved succulent plant that naturally forms a rosette shape and produces a flower spire of attractive cup shaped blooms. This article will provide tips on growing agave plants.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Opuntia Diseases: What Is Sammons’ Virus Of Opuntia
Opuntia diseases occasionally occur, and one of the more common is Sammons' Opuntia virus. Learn more about Sammons' virus of Opuntia cactus in this article and find out if this disease requires specific treatment.
By Liz Baessler
Calico Hearts Plant Care – Growing Adromischus Calico Hearts
While people living in warmer regions can enjoy the beauty of succulent plants in their landscape, those elsewhere are able to add life to indoor spaces by growing them in pots. Calico hearts plant is especially suited for this. Learn more in this article.
By Tonya Barnett
Fusarium Cactus Diseases: Signs Of Fusarium Rot In Cactus
Fusarium oxyporum is the name of a fungus that can affect a wide range of plants. It's common in vegetables, but it's also a real problem with cacti. Click here to learn more about signs of fusarium wilt in cactus plants and methods for treating fusarium on cacti.
By Liz Baessler
Caulotops Barberi Pests: Learn About Agave Plant Bug Control
While generally a low maintenance, easy-to-grow plant, agave can be susceptible to pest problems. If you have noticed bugs eating agave plants in your landscape, click here to learn more about controlling agave plant bugs in the garden.
By Darcy Larum
Fan Aloe Care Guide - What Is A Fan Aloe Plant
Make sure you have plenty of room for this South African native. It will eventually dwarf all your other plants.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Grow An Artichoke Agave Plant - Artichoke Agave Parryi Info
How big does Artichoke agave get? Not as large a species as some varieties, but what it lacks in size it makes up for with an amazing flower, glorious color, and a compact rosette.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Succulent Bouquet DIY - How To Create A Succulent Bouquet
Succulents have been hot decor items in recent years. So a succulent bridal bouquet is a lovely choice for a wedding or other event.
By Bonnie L. Grant
How To Grow A Saucer Plant - Saucer Plant Aeonium Info
Saucer plants are hard to find but easy to grow houseplants and rockery specimens. Here are a few tips on how to grow them.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Nestled Pots For Succulents – Nestling Succulent Containers
One way to make succulent displays more eye-catching is by nestling succulent containers inside each other. Click here to learn more.
By Becca Badgett