Cacti & Succulents
So you want to grow cacti and succulent plants in the garden but don’t know where to start. That’s simple. Tips for growing, caring and designing with succulents and various types of cactus begins here. Use our cacti and succulent growing guide to help answer any questions you may have. There are many types of cactus and succulent plants that can be grown in the home garden, and most are easy to grow. Keep reading to learn more about designing with succulents and start creating cactus gardens that your neighbors will envy!
Explore Cacti & Succulents
Cochineal Scale On Cactus – How To Treat Cochineal Scale Bugs
If you have prickly pear or cholla cacti in your landscape, you've probably been confronted with a cottony white mass on the surface of the plants. This may be a tell-tale sign of the presence of cochineal scale bugs. Learn more in this article.
By Amy Grant
Cactus Scab Treatment: Learn About Scab Diseases Of Cactus
Gardeners must be ever vigilant when it comes to diseases on their plants. Often, a speedy diagnosis can help prevent more damage. This is the case with scab of cactus. What is cactus scab? Learn more in the article that follows.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Managing Root Rot In Agave – How To Treat Agave Root Rot
Root rot is a common disease in plants that is usually caused by poor drainage or improper watering. While more common in potted plants, root rot can also affect outdoor plants. Learn more about managing root rot in agave with the following information.
By Darcy Larum
What Is Rosularia: Rosularia Information And Plant Care
Many crafters, like myself, like to try out the latest trends while adding our own unique flare to these projects. Rosularia makes an excellent, unique addition to succulent crafts as well as the garden. Click here for more Rosularia information.
By Darcy Larum
Othonna Little Pickles – Tips On Caring For Othonna Ice Plants
There are so many types of succulents with varying shapes that it can be difficult to decide which to include in the landscape. One little beauty that makes an excellent ground cover is called Othonna 'Little Pickles.' Learn more in this article.
By Amy Grant
Crested Succulent Info: Understanding Crested Succulent Mutations
You may have heard of cresting succulents or even own a succulent plant with a crested succulent mutation. Perhaps, you’re wondering what is a crested succulent? We’ll explain how this mutation happens to a succulent plant in this article.
By Becca Badgett
What Are Cremnophila Plants – Learn About Cremnophila Plant Care
The world of succulents is a strange and varied one. One of the genera, Cremnophila, has often been confused with Echeveria and Sedum. What are Cremnophila plants? Find out more about these wonderful succulents in this article and how best to identify them.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Cobweb Houseleek Care – Growing Cobweb Hens And Chicks
A favorite outdoor plant, cobweb hens and chicks may already be growing in your garden or container. This interesting plant is covered with a cobweb-like substance, making it much sought after by many growers. Click here to learn more about this succulent.
By Becca Badgett
Orostachys Plant Info – Growing Chinese Dunce Cap Succulents
Dunce Cap, also known as Chinese Dunce Cap, is a succulent plant named for its spires of silvery-lavender, cone-shaped rosettes. If you want to learn more about this interesting-looking plant, simply click this article for additional information.
By Mary H. Dyer
Cactus Sunburn Treatment: How To Save A Sunburned Cactus Plant
A fairly common problem occurs when a cactus becomes yellow on the most sun-exposed side of the plant. Can a cactus plant get sunburned? If so, is there a cactus sunburn treatment? Click this article to learn more about caring for a sunburned cactus.
By Amy Grant
Titanopsis Care Guide: How To Grow A Concrete Leaf Plant
Concrete leaf plants are fascinating little specimens that are easy to care for and sure to get people talking. As living stone plants, these succulents have an adaptive camouflage pattern that helps them blend into rocky outcroppings. Learn more about the plant here.
By Liz Baessler
Potted Succulent Plants: How To Care For Succulents In Containers
Succulents are well suited to the confines of a potted environment, but caring for these plants properly is crucial. Get tips here.
By Becca Badgett
Chain Cholla Information – How To Grow A Chain Cholla Cactus
Those living in warmer climates can start growing chain cholla in their backyards. If you’d like a bit more chain cholla information, we’ll also give you tips on how to grow a chain cholla cactus. Click on the following article to learn more.
By Teo Spengler
What Is Mole Plant Euphorbia: Information On Grow A Mole Spurge Plant
You've probably seen the mole plant euphorbia blooming in pastures or meadows, but if you're not familiar with the name, you may wonder, "What is a mole plant?". Read here to find out more.
By Becca Badgett
Compass Barrel Cactus Facts – Information About California Barrel Cactus Plants
There are a few different plants that go by the name “barrel cactus,” but Ferocactus cylindraceus, or California barrel cactus, is a particularly beautiful species with long spines. Learn more California barrel cactus information in this article.
By Liz Baessler
My Cactus Lost Its Spines: Do Cactus Spines Grow Back
Well-loved for their unusual forms and known for their spiny stems, gardeners can become unnerved when faced with broken cactus spines. Click this article to learn what to do, if anything, for a cactus without spines and find out if these spines will regrow.
By Becca Badgett
Harvesting Edible Cactus Pads – How To Pick Cactus Pads To Eat
Opuntia produces several types of edibles. The fruits are delicious in jams and jellies. But can you eat cactus pads? Yes, the broad, succulent pads can be eaten raw or cooked. You just need to know how to pick cactus pads and how to prepare them. This article will help.
By Bonnie L. Grant