How Long Do Mums Last? Plus, How To Make Chrysanthemum Flowers Last Longer

Chrysanths have the potential for enduring displays as we enter the quieter months of the year. But how long do mums last? Here’s how to maximize your fall blooms

Chrysanthemums, or just mums, always make a big appearance in the fall, often as early as August. These hardy bloomers are popular for their showy flowers that arrive just in time to complement fall colors. Anyone who decides to grow mums will delight in their gold, rust red, pink, bronze and orange hues, perfect for the season.

While many people use mums as annuals, how long do mums last really? As long as you get the right type, you can grow fall-flowering mums as perennials in many areas. It just takes a little extra care to winter mums and get them flowering again next fall. Even if you don’t want to keep them over winter, you can still take some simple steps to ensure your fall mums last longer this year…

chrysanthemums growing in a large white pot

(Image credit: Hernyav / Shutterstock)

When and For How Long Do Mums Bloom?

To understand the lifespan of chrysanthemums, it’s important to know the two main types: florist and garden. Florist mums are grown to flower profusely for a short period before dying. Garden mums are true perennials, hardy in USDA zones 5-9. Most of the potted mums you see in garden centers in the fall are garden mums. Even so, most people grow them as seasonal annuals rather than perennials. Typically, people let them flower for a few weeks and then throw them out.

So how long do mums stay in bloom if you make more of an effort? They can potentially keep blooming until (or even beyond) your first frost. You may see early or late varieties of garden mums which describe a slightly longer or shorter than average bloom time, but four to eight weeks is typical of all types.

Being grown in a pot versus the ground should not affect how a mum blooms as long as you provide it with the right conditions. If you grow mums indoors, they may be more sensitive to temperature fluctuations. One key risk with containers is that your mum won’t get enough water, simply because the soil in pots dries out more quickly. Be more careful about watering when growing mums in pots.

What Stops Chrysanthemums From Flowering

How long do chrysanthemum flowers last if they don’t get the best care? The answer is a short couple of weeks or maybe three weeks. Conditions that are less than ideal can cause your mums to stop blooming. Proper care for mums includes well-draining, rich soil, full sunshine, and knowing how often to water your mums.

How and when mums flower also depends on dark hours. Mums bloom in the fall as the nights get longer. If mums do not receive enough dark hours, or if those hours are interrupted by lights, they might not bloom on time and may bloom less than they would otherwise.

orange mums being planted in the ground

(Image credit: Dzurag / Getty Images)

Best Ways to Make Mums Flower for Longer

If you want to make your fall mum blooms last longer, start as you mean to go on and choose a healthy-looking chrysanthemum plant with plenty of buds that haven’t opened yet. Provide it with a sunny spot, good drainage, and plenty of water. Inadequate water is a top reason pot mums stop blooming. Keep the soil moist but drained. Also, avoid getting the plant wet when watering, as this can cause the buds to deteriorate.

How long do mums bloom for? Much longer, if you’re prepared to deadhead your mum plant throughout its blooming period to stimulate new buds to open. This will keep it flowering longer. As heavy feeders, mums can benefit from fertilizer application. Use a bloom booster to keep the flowers coming.

If you’re hoping to put your mum in the ground and overwinter it, fall is not the right time for planting. This doesn’t give the mum enough time to develop good roots. Plant mums in spring for true perennial growth. Pinch spring-planted mums back twice (once as part of your spring care routine, and once more in midsummer) to encourage bushy growth and more bud formation for fall flowers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Mums Bloom More Than Once?

Like most perennials, mums bloom once per year. How long do mum blooms last? This depends on your care. Good plant care, pinching, ample light and frequent feeding at the right times will all help to extend their blooming period.

Can You Keep Mums Going Over Winter?

Yes, you can bring potted mums indoors or move to a more protected location outdoors. If brought indoors, they should be in a cool spot with plenty of light. For mums in the ground, add several inches of mulch at the bases of the plants to protect them from frost heaving.

Mary Ellen Ellis

Mary Ellen Ellis has been gardening for over 20 years. With degrees in Chemistry and Biology, Mary Ellen's specialties are flowers, native plants, and herbs.

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