Begonias are a great way to brighten up both the home and garden. Taking care of begonias is easy, especially when you have the right begonia care information on hand. While some types of begonia are grown for their flowers, others are grown for their foliage. To take advantage of either, use the following tips on growing begonias to ensure the best results.
Growing Begonias From Corms
Begonias are a great way to brighten up the home and garden. Taking care of begonias is easy, especially when growing begonias from corms (or tubers). Learn more about them in this article.
By Nikki Tilley
Angel Wing Begonia Care: How To Grow An Angel Wing Begonia Houseplant
The angel wing begonia is commonly named for the shape of its leaves. Numerous cultivars exist so there is an angel wing begonia houseplant for most indoor situations. Click here to learn more.
By Becca Badgett
Classifying Begonias - Using Begonia Leaves To Help Identify The Begonia Class
The more than 1,000 species of begonia. Some begonias are grown just for their foliage and others their blooms. This article will help you distinguish common foliage grown begonias for the home and garden.
By Bonnie L. Grant
How To Care For Begonias As Houseplants
Begonias are a popular houseplant. Some varieties are grown for their flowers while others their striking foliage. Growing begonia houseplants only requires a little bit of knowledge, which you can find here.
By Heather Rhoades