You know it's autumn when you start seeing mums in the stores. But what about growing your own chrysanthemums in the garden or how to care for indoor chrysanthemums? Browse the articles that follow to learn more about the care of mums indoors and out, including pruning information and common issues affecting these plants and how to treat them.
Overwinter Mums: Keep Chrysanthemums Coming Back Year After Year
Overwintering mums is possible with the right care. Learn how to winterize mums so you can have color in your fall garden every year.
By Tonya Barnett
How Often To Water Your Mums For Beautiful, Long-Lasting Blooms
Watering chrysanthemums relies in part on whether your plants are in the garden or in a pot, but there is a knack to doing it well. We show you how often to water your mums for the best blooms
By Tonya Barnett
Can You Split Mums? How To Divide The Fall Garden Favorites
If you want to divide mums, splitting them in the fall may not be the best idea. Wait until early spring to divide and transplant mums.
By Tonya Barnett
Growing Mums: How To Care For The Classic Fall Flower
Whether growing fall mums as seasonal decor or chrysanthemums year round, we've got everything you need to know.
By Caroline Bloomfield
How To Care For Mums In Spring
Mums are only for autumn. Click here to learn about caring for chrysanthemum flowers in spring.
By Tonya Barnett
Mum Powdery Mildew Symptoms: Treating Powdery Mildew On Chrysanthemums
Powdery mildew on chrysanthemums is one of those diseases that can usually be avoided with good cultural care. Click this article for information about mum powdery mildew symptoms and effective chrysanthemum powdery mildew control.
By Teo Spengler
Organic Garden Pest Control: Using Chrysanthemum For Pest Control
Chrysanthemums, or mums for short, are loved by gardeners and florists for their diversity of shapes and colors. But there's another reason you should be planting them all over your garden: pest control! Learn more in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Chrysanthemum Varieties – What Are Some Different Types Of Mums
Gardeners delight in hundreds of different types of chrysanthemums, often classified by various criteria. To simplify the process for home gardeners, plants are often divided into eight distinct chrysanthemum plant types. Learn what those are here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Treating Yellow Leaves On Chrysanthemum: Reasons For Yellow Chrysanthemum Leaves
If you see your chrysanthemum leaves turning yellow, you'll have to figure out what is going wrong. This article provides information about problems with chrysanthemum plants. Click here to learn more about yellowing mum leaves.
By Teo Spengler
Chrysanthemum Lifespan: How Long Do Mums Live
How long do chrysanthemums last? It?s a good question, and one that often comes up in the fall, when garden centers are full of beautiful, flowering pots of them. Learn about the lifespan of mums in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Chrysanthemum Information: Annual vs. Perennial Chrysanthemums
Whether your Chrysanthemum will come back after winter depends upon which species you have. If you aren't sure which one you purchased, the best thing is to wait until next spring and check for regrowth. Click this article for more info.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Mum Plant Repotting: Can You Repot A Chrysanthemum
Potted chrysanthemums, often known as florist's mums, are usually gift plants appreciated for their showy, colorful blooms. To keep them longer, repotting may be helpful. This article provides additional information on repotting mums.
By Mary H. Dyer
Growing Mums In Containers: How To Grow Mums In Pots
Care of container grown mums can be a little tricky but if you follow some simple rules of chrysanthemum container care, you should be able to enjoy their blooms throughout fall and possibly even the next spring. Click this article to learn more.
By Liz Baessler
When To Buy Mums And How To Choose The Best Ones
When shopping for chrysanthemum plants, learn how to choose the best.
By Tonya Barnett
Learn About The History Of Chrysanthemums
By Darcy Larum
Chrysanthemum Crown Gall Treatment: Managing Crown Gall Of Mum Plants
Chrysanthemums are quite hardy and easy to grow but crown gall of mum plants can occasionally occur. How do you recognize the symptoms in chrysanthemums with crown gall? Click here for tips on diagnosis and treating mums with crown gall.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Mum Rot Treatment – Managing Symptoms Of Chrysanthemum Stem Rot
Chrysanthemum plants are among the easiest perennials to grow in your garden. However, they are not immune to disease. Issues affecting mums include collar or stem rot. For more information on these issues as well as tips for treatment, click here.
By Teo Spengler