You know it's autumn when you start seeing mums in the stores. But what about growing your own chrysanthemums in the garden or how to care for indoor chrysanthemums? Browse the articles that follow to learn more about the care of mums indoors and out, including pruning information and common issues affecting these plants and how to treat them.
Leaf Spot On Mums – Treating Chrysanthemum Bacterial Leaf Spot
Lighting up the autumn landscape with myriad colors and forms, mums are a welcome addition to any outdoor space. Unfortunately, the mighty mum has an Achilles heel: chrysanthemum leaf spot disease. Learn more about its control in this article.
By Gardening Know How
Treating Foliar Nematodes On Mums – Learn About Chrysanthemum Foliar Nematodes
Chrysanthemums are a fall favorite. Healthy plants fully flower and remain beautiful for several weeks with minimal care…unless the plants are hit by foliar nematodes. Click on the following article to learn more about these pests.
By Becca Badgett
Chrysanthemum Verticillium Wilt: Learn About Mum Verticillium Control
Although the process of growing chrysanthemum flowers is relatively simple, there are some issues that may cause failure at bloom time, like chrysanthemum verticillium disease. Learn what this is and how to prevent it in the following article.
By Tonya Barnett
How To Prune Back Mums - Do You Prune Mums
‘Should I prune mums?’ is one of the most frequently asked questions among first-time mum growers. The answer depends greatly upon the planting process.
By Tonya Barnett
What Is A Spider Mum Flower - Spider Mum Facts
Regardless of the size, most find it easy to appreciate the diversity among the mums’ flower shapes. One type, called spider mum flower, is especially interesting.
By Tonya Barnett
Propagating Mums: Growing Mums From Cuttings And Seeds
Chrysanthemums are one of the heralds of fall. Propagating mums can be from seed, started from division or even from cuttings. With so many ways to propagate it is easy to learn how to start mums. Read more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Fertilizing Mums: Tips For Feed Mum Plants
One of the workhorses of the floral world is the common chrysanthemum. They are prolific bloomers, come in amazing hues, last long, and are very low maintenance. Plant nutrition is essential to vitality and good growth. This article will help with feeding mum plants.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Chrysanthemum Bloom Season: Encouraging Flowers On Mums
The chrysanthemum bloom season ranges from late summer into early winter depending upon your zone. In rare cases, mums are not flowering when they should be in full bloom. Learn more about why this happens and what to do here.
By Bonnie L. Grant