Nothing beats the intoxicating scents emanating from jasmine plants. Find out how to grow jasmines indoors and out, including different jasmine varieties, in the articles that follow. In addition, you will learn about common issues associated with growing jasmine plants and how to keep them healthy.
Winterizing Jasmine Plants: Caring For Jasmine During Winter
If grown in the proper climate, jasmine winter care is a snap, but gardeners in temperate climates must give a little extra care. Learn about that here.
By Jackie Carroll
Jasmine Plant Problems: How To Treat Common Diseases Of Jasmine
Jasmine plants may be grown outdoors or indoors and are fairly easy to grow. However, jasmine problems do exist so it's important to identify them. This article will help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Treating Jasmine Leaf Drop: What To Do For Jasmine Plants Losing Leaves
Every year, gardeners ask: why my jasmine is drying and losing leaves? Not all jasmines need to be treated, but when they do, the information found in this article will help.
By Anne Baley
Yellowing Jasmine Foliage: Why Are Jasmine Leaves Turning Yellow
Although the plant is easy to grow, pests or environmental problems can cause yellow leaves on jasmine plants. Read this article to learn about causes for jasmine leaves turning yellow and how to treat yellowing jasmine foliage.
By Mary H. Dyer
Star Jasmine As Ground Cover: Information About Star Jasmine Plants
Also called Confederate jasmine, star jasmine is a vine that produces highly fragrant, white blossoms that attract bees. Learn more about growing star jasmine vine in your garden by clicking on the article that follows.
By Liz Baessler