There are an endless number of orchid varieties to grow, both indoors and out. With so many to choose from, how does one go about keeping track of suitable orchid care? We can help. The following articles include orchid growing information covering different types of orchids and how to care for them properly. Keep reading to learn how to grow orchids of all kinds.
Calanthe Orchid Care – How To Grow A Calanthe Orchid Plant
Orchids get a bad rap as fussy plants that are difficult to take care of. And while this is sometimes true, there are many varieties that are reasonably hardy and even cold resistant. One good example is the calanthe orchid. Learn more about it in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Help, My Orchid Is Rotting: Tips On Treating Crown Rot In Orchids
Orchids are beautiful, delicate, and very hard to grow in the eyes of some. It's no wonder that orchid problems can send a gardener into a panic. This article will help with information about crown rot in orchids and orchid crown rot treatment.
By Liz Baessler
Harvesting Lady Slipper Seed Pods – How To Collect Lady Slipper Seeds
Orchid propagation can be tricky, even for a professional grower. In the case of Lady Slipper seed pods, the plant must have a symbiotic relationship with a fungus to successfully germinate. It is possible, however, with a few tips and tricks found here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Flying Duck Orchid Care – Can You Grow Flying Duck Orchid Plants
Native to the Australian wilderness, flying duck orchid plants are amazing orchids that produce - you guessed it - distinctive duck-like blooms. Click this article for a few more interesting facts about flying duck orchids.
By Mary H. Dyer
Controlling Pests On Orchid Flowers – Tips On Managing Orchid Pests
Pests on orchid flowers may be sap feeders or chewing insects, but the damage they do can reduce plant vigor and, in some cases, even kill the plant. Identifying the villains and providing orchid pest control in a timely manner could save your plant. This article can help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Orchids For Windowsills: Learn About Growing Windowsill Orchids
Growing orchids on a windowsill is ideal. Learn more about how to grow orchids on windowsills and the best windowsill orchids in this article. Click here for more information to help get you started.
By Liz Baessler
Nodding Lady’s Tresses Info: Growing Nodding Lady’s Tresses Plants
What is spiranthes lady?s tresses? Where can I find more nodding lady?s tresses info? You?ve come to the right place. Click on the article that follows to learn about growing nodding lady?s tresses in your garden.
By Mary H. Dyer
Vanilla Orchid Care - How To Grow Vanilla Orchid
Vanilla orchid care is very specific and each requirement must be met exactly in order for the vine to produce fruit. Learn how to grow vanilla orchid in the home interior. This article will help with that.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Where Do Orchids Grow Naturally In The Wild?
Orchids we buy in stores originated in the wild, growing mostly on trees and rocks. Learn where you might see them.
By Bonnie L. Grant
What Are Bee Orchids: Information About The Bee Orchid Flower
What are bee orchids? These interesting orchids produce up to ten long, spiky bee orchid flowers atop long, bare stems. Read this article to find out what makes bee orchid flowers so fascinating. Click here for more information.
By Mary H. Dyer
Native Orchid Plant Info: What Are Native Orchids
Wild orchid plants are beautiful gifts of nature growing in diverse habitats around the world. Get more orchid plant info and learn why growing native orchids may not be a good idea in this article. Click here for additional information.
By Mary H. Dyer
Rhynchostylis Orchids: Tips On Growing Foxtail Orchid Plants
Foxtail orchid plants are named for the long inflorescence that resembles a fluffy, tapering fox tail. The plant is distinctive for its beauty and spicy aroma. Learn more about growing and caring for Rhynchostylis orchids in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
Calopogon Information – Learn About Calopogon Orchid Care In Landscapes
Calopogon orchids are just one of several types of orchids that are native to North America. With the right Calopogon information and the right environment, you can grow these beautiful orchids in your temperate garden. Click this article to learn more.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Odontoglossum Plant Care: Helpful Tips On Growing Odontoglossums
Odontoglossum orchid plants are popular among growers due to their interesting shapes and beautiful colors of the various odontoglossum orchid varieties. Interested in growing odontoglossums? Click this article to learn how.
By Mary H. Dyer
Planting Orchid Seeds – Is Growing Orchids From Seed Possible?
Planting orchid seeds at home is difficult, but it's possible if you have plenty of time and patience. Learning how to grow orchids from seed is tricky indeed, but we've provided a few basic details for you to consider.
By Mary H. Dyer
Paphiopedilum Care: Growing Paphiopedilum Terrestrial Orchids
Orchids in the genus Paphiopedilum are some of the easiest to care for, and they produce beautiful, long-lasting blooms. What are Paphiopedilum orchids? Click on the following article to learn about these attractive plants.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Orchid And Light: What Are Optimal Orchid Light Conditions
When growing any type of orchid, light is key in maintaining healthy plants. Read on to learn more about orchid light requirements.
By Tonya Barnett