There are an endless number of orchid varieties to grow, both indoors and out. With so many to choose from, how does one go about keeping track of suitable orchid care? We can help. The following articles include orchid growing information covering different types of orchids and how to care for them properly. Keep reading to learn how to grow orchids of all kinds.
Tips On Potting Orchid Keikis: How To Plant An Orchid Keiki
Propagating orchids from keikis is a lot simpler than it might sound! Once you?ve identified a keiki growing on your orchid, there are only a few simple steps required to replant your new baby orchid successfully. Learn more in this article.
By Gardening Know How
Terrestrial Orchid Info: What Are Terrestrial Orchids
Orchids have a reputation for being tender, temperamental plants, but this isn't always true. Many types of terrestrial orchids are as easy to grow as any other plant. Read here to find out more.
By Jackie Carroll
What Is A Pseudobulb In Orchids: Learn About The Function Of Pseudobulbs
What is a pseudobulb? Unlike most houseplants, orchids don't grow from seeds or rooted stems. Most common orchids grown in homes come from pseudobulbs. Learn more about them in this article.
By Anne Baley
Jewel Orchid Information: How To Care For Ludisia Jewel Orchids
What are jewel orchids? One of the simplest orchids a budding grower could own. If you can grow a begonia indoors, you can be successful with growing jewel orchids. Read more in this article.
By Anne Baley
Dealing With Common Orchid Problems
When growing orchids, it helps to know a little more about common orchid problems before you buy your first plant. Read this article to prepare for your orchid adventure.
By Kristi Waterworth
Hardy Orchid Plants: Growing Hardy Orchids In The Garden
When thinking of orchids, many gardeners envision the tropical types. But don't forget about hardy garden orchids, like the Chinese ground orchid. Learn more in this article.
By Becca Badgett
Zygopetalum Orchid Care - How To Grow Zygopetalum Orchids
If you’ve heard of Zygopetalum orchids, you may be wondering how to grow one. If you’ve never heard of one, your interest may now be piqued. Click here for info on Zygopetalum orchids and their care.
By Susan Albert
What Are Lycaste Orchids - Lycaste Orchid Culture
What are lycaste orchids? Striking plants that produce spikes of big, fragrant blooms in winter and spring, they are the national flower of Guatemala. Read on for more.
By Mary H. Dyer
What Is A Whorled Pogonia – Learn About Whorled Pogonia Plants
Whorled pogonia is a common or threatened orchid species that you are not likely to find for sale, but if you happen to be in a forested area, you might run across one of these rare native orchids. Click this article for some fascinating information about the plant.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Phal Orchid Care After Flowering – Caring For Phalaenopsis Orchids Post Bloom
Once blooms are finished, Phal orchid maintenance focuses on plant health. Good Phal orchid care after blooming sets the plant up for future blooms and the development of new foliage. Learn more about Phalaenopsis orchid care, post-bloom, in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Clamshell Orchid Info – What Is A Clamshell Orchid Plant
Clamshell orchid plants are highly valued, not only because of their unique shape, but because they always seem to be in bloom. Interested in learning how to grow clamshell orchids? Click on the following article for more information.
By Mary H. Dyer
Information On Orchid Keiki Care And Transplanting
While orchids generally get a bad rap for being difficult to grow and propagate, they're actually not that difficult at all. One of the easiest ways to grow them is through propagation from keikis. Click here to learn more.
By Nikki Tilley
Phalaenopsis Orchid Care: Tips For Growing Phalaenopsis Orchids
Growing phalaenopsis orchids was once an elite and costly hobby for those dedicated to phalaenopsis orchid care. Learn how to care for a phalaenopsis orchid in this article.
By Becca Badgett
Orchid Plant Diseases – Tips On Treating Orchid Diseases
Most common orchid diseases can be prevented or cured, especially if caught early. Just as with pests, it is important to monitor plant health frequently and act immediately. Click here for some information on common orchid diseases and treatment.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Growing Ground Orchids: How To Care For Spathoglottis Garden Orchids
Spathoglottis garden orchids are a terrestrial orchid, which means it developed in the soil instead of in the air on tree branches. Learn how to grow these orchid plants in the following article.
By Anne Baley
Common Orchid Planting Mediums: Orchid Soil And Growing Mediums
Orchids a reputation for being difficult to grow, but if you provide the correct planting medium, you will have better luck in growing them. Learn more here.
By Anne Baley
Rein Orchid Plant: Information About Piperia Rein Orchids
Rein orchids are known as either Piperia elegans or Habenaria elegans, although the latter is somewhat more common. However, most of us know this lovely plant as simply rein orchid plant, or sometimes piperia rein orchids. Click here to learn more.
By Mary H. Dyer