One of the most commonly asked questions we get is, “How do you take care of poinsettias?” The secret to keeping poinsettia plants healthy and happy is knowing what continued care they need long after the holidays end. With proper care, poinsettias can last longer than the traditional holiday season, and the information found in this section will help with that.
Poinsettia Plant History: Where Did Christmas Poinsettia Come From
If there is one houseplant that is intolerant of neglect, it's the poinsettia. But how did it become associated with Christmas? Find out here.
By Laura Miller
Poinsettias And Christmas – History Of Poinsettias
What’s the story behind poinsettias, those distinctive plants that pop up everywhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas? Poinsettias are traditional during the winter holidays, and their popularity continues to grow year by year. But why? Find out here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Toxicity Of Poinsettias: Are Poinsettia Plants Poisonous
You may be unsure if poinsettia plants are poisonous. It might upset the stomachs of pets or kids, but it's not poisonous - just a bit toxic.
By Mary H. Dyer
Can Poinsettias Grow Outside – Caring For Outdoor Poinsettia Plants
If you live in USDA plant hardiness zones 10 through 12, you can begin planting poinsettia outdoors. Just be sure that temperatures in your area don?t drop below 45 degrees F. (7 C.). For more information about poinsettia plants outdoors, click here.
By Teo Spengler
Poinsettia Growing Zones – Information On Poinsettia Cold Tolerance
Poinsettias are native to Mexico, or USDA zones 9 to 11. But what is the actual cold hardiness of poinsettias? You need to know what temperatures can damage or kill your plant if you are using it as a garden accent. This article can help with that.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Poinsettia Stem Breakage: Tips On Fixing Or Rooting Broken Poinsettias
The poinsettia is a symbol of holiday cheer, but what do you do for damaged poinsettias? You have a few choices for poinsettia stem breakage. Fix it, compost it or root it. This article explains more.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Shriveled Poinsettia Plant: Fixing Poinsettia With Shriveled Leaves
Poinsettia plants echo the colors and spirit of the winter holiday season. In most cases, if leaves on poinsettia shriveled and fell off, the cause is cultural or environmental, but occasionally it can be serious. This article will explain more.
By Bonnie L. Grant