Sunflowers are popular additions in many home gardens and growing them can be especially rewarding. In fact, sunflowers are one of the easiest flowers that you can grow in the garden. While sunflower problems are few, you may encounter them on occasion. For this reason, it’s important to arm yourself with information on sunflower plant care. Read on to learn more about growing sunflowers.
Is My Sunflower An Annual Or A Perennial Sunflower
You may be asking yourself "Is my sunflower an annual or a perennial?" Sunflowers are either an annual or a perennial and telling the difference is not that hard if you know how. This article will help.
By Heather Rhoades
Weed Control In Sunflower Fields
Some people may decide to grow sunflowers so that they can harvest the seeds or others just like the happy sight of growing sunflower fields. Whatever your reason, weed control in important. Click here for more.
By Heather Rhoades
Growing Sunflowers As Food
Sunflowers have a long tradition of being grown for food. Sunflowers are a source of all sorts of healthy fats, fiber, and vitamin E. Not to mention that they just taste great. Read here to learn more.
By Heather Rhoades
Steps For Planting Sunflowers
No garden flower brings a smile to the face as easily as the sunflower. If you have no experience with planting sunflowers, you may have some questions. This article will help with planting sunflowers.
By Jackie Rhoades
Fixing Drooping Sunflowers: How To Keep Sunflowers From Drooping
Sunflowers are easy to grow and pop up cheerfully anywhere they've been grown before. They do, however, have a tendency to droop. The question is why do my sunflowers droop over and what to do about drooping sunflowers? Find out here.
By Amy Grant
Teddy Bear Sunflower Care: Tips For Growing Teddy Bear Flowers
If you love sunflowers but you lack the space for gigantic plants with plate-size blooms, teddy bear sunflower may be the perfect answer. Sunflower "Teddy Bear" is a short, bushy plant with fluffy, golden-yellow blooms. Piqued your interest? Learn more here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Why Is My Sunflower Not Blooming: Reasons For No Blooms On Sunflower
You planted carefully, watered well. Shoots came up and leaves. But you never got any flowers. Now you are asking: Why is my sunflower not blooming? Click on this article for the inside scoop on sunflower blooming problems.
By Teo Spengler
Learn More About Sunflower Problems
Sunflowers are popular mainstays in many home gardens and growing them can be especially rewarding. While sunflower problems are few, you may encounter them on occasion. Read here to learn more.
By Nikki Tilley