White Flowers For Cutting Gardens - 5 Gorgeous White Blooms For Bouquets

Person Holding A Bouquet Of Gorgeous White Flowers
(Image credit: ma-no)

Whether growing flowers as a hobby or in hopes of earning a little extra income, cutting gardens are a treasure trove of color and texture. While the brightest of blooms can be quite alluring, it is essential that gardeners don’t overlook more neutral flower shades. In fact, white flower blooms are among the most popular that are used in arrangements. Learning more about popular all-white cut flowers is key when planning a well-rounded cutting garden.

Types of White Cut Flowers

Fresh cut flower arrangements are great for nearly any occasion. White flowers for weddings are no exception, as most people can easily envision a bride walking down the aisle with a white flower bouquet. Knowing which types of white cut flowers work best in hand-held arrangements, boutonnieres, and centerpieces is exceptionally important when you want to create a memorable floral design. 

White cut flower arrangements are also used frequently for religious gatherings, at funerals, and by those wishing to add an air of sophistication or elegance to special events. Listed below are five of the most popular types of all-white cut flowers. 

  1. Dahlias - Dahlias are known for their bright color and wide range of size, but there are also many gorgeous varieties ideal for use in white flower bouquets. “Bridezilla,” “Frozen,” “Mt. Hood,” and “Snowbound” are all cultivars found to be useful in design work. 
  2. Hydrangeas - While hydrangeas are most commonly seen in brilliant shades of blue, there are also several types which bloom true white. These varieties include “Annabelle,” “Gatsby Moon,” and many more within the paniculata species. 
  3. Peonies - Among the most favored white flowers for weddings, peony blooms are large, showy, and highly fragrant. All white peony varieties include “Duchesse De Nemours,” “Bowl of Cream,” “Bride’s Dream,” “Ann Cousins,” and “Nick Shaylor.”
  4. Tulips - Tulips are always popular with flower growers, as they are often among the first plants to begin blooming each spring. White tulip cultivars can be found in single, double, parrot, and fringed flower forms. “Mount Tacoma, “White Parrot,” “Snow Crystal,” and “Daytona” are all good cutting varieties with long stems. 
  5. Zinnias - No cutting garden would be complete without this highly productive and easy to grow summer annual. White zinnia types include “Benary’s Giant White,” “Polar Bear,” and “Oklahoma White.”
Tonya Barnett

Tonya Barnett has been gardening for 13 years. Flowers are her passion. She has transformed her backyard into a cut flower garden, which she regularly chronicles on her YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/@tonyawiththeflowers.