Zinnia Plant Cultivars – What Are Some Popular Kinds Of Zinnias To Grow

Zinnia flowers are a long-time garden favorite for a variety of reasons. While many gardeners have fond memories of these plants, zinnias are once again gaining popularity among a new generation of home growers. Easy to grow and a perfect candidate for growth by first time flower growers, zinnia flower varieties come in a wide range of colors, sizes, and shapes.
Types of Zinnia Flowers
Direct sown after all chance of frost has passed in the spring, zinnias thrive with little attention or care. Gardens which receive ample sunlight and warmth throughout the growing season will enjoy a colorful display of bright, vibrant blooms. With the introduction of new hybrids and specifically bred, open pollinated varieties of zinnias, these plants offer an option for nearly any landscape application. Here are some popular zinnia flower varieties for the garden: Dwarf Zinnias– Dwarf zinnias are most commonly planted in flower borders and reach around 10 inches (25 cm.) in height at maturity. Noted for their small size, these short plants grow well when interplanted with other annual and perennial flowers and shrubs. While the plants remain small throughout the growing season, this is not indicative of potential bloom size. Flower size will vary depending upon the zinnia variety which is being grown. Popular dwarf zinnias include:
- ‘Dreamland Mix’
- ‘Magellan Mix’
- ‘Star Starbright’
- ‘Thumbelina Mix’
Landscape Zinnias– Much like dwarf zinnias, these zinnia plant cultivars are commonly used in landscaping and in flower borders. Growing somewhat taller, usually to about 20 inches (50 cm.), these zinnia flowers bloom continuously throughout the growing season, creating a profusion of color. Here you’ll find the following zinnias:
- ‘Zahara’ Series
- ‘Profusion’ Series
- Mexican zinnia (Zinnia haageana)
Tall and Cut Flower Zinnias– Though cultivated in the same manner as other kinds of zinnias, some zinnia varieties are specifically suited for use in cut flower gardens. These stunning, tall plants make a huge visual impact in the garden landscape, as well as attract multitudes of pollinators. Reaching heights of over 4 feet (1 m.) tall at maturity, zinnia plants used in the cutting garden will continue blooming throughout the summer, even as the blooms are removed for use in flower arrangements and bouquets. These include:
- ‘Queen Red Lime’
- ‘State Fair Mix’
- ‘Benary’s Giant Mix’
- ‘Giant Cactus Mix’
- ‘Burpeeana Giants Mix’
- ‘Uproar Rose’
- ‘Peppermint Stick’
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Tonya Barnett has been gardening for 13 years. Flowers are her passion. She has transformed her backyard into a cut flower garden, which she regularly chronicles on her YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/@tonyawiththeflowers.
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