Yucca plants are a popular choice in a xeriscape landscape but can also be grown in the home. Wherever you grow yucca plants, it’s never a bad idea to stay up to date on all the yucca plant care information you can. So keep reading for helpful tips and advice on all aspects of yucca care and learn how to grow yuccas with ease.
Caring For Yucca: Tips For Landscaping With Yuccas Outdoors
The yuccas plant's sword-like leaves add a distinctive look to any area. Click for more about how to grow yucca plants.
By Shari Armstrong
Dwarf Yucca Info: Tips For Yucca Nana Plant Care
Yucca is a huge plant, often growing as tall as ten feet (3 m.) with its flower spike. It's a pretty plant, but a bit much for smaller gardens and containers. This is why growing dwarf yucca is a great option for many gardeners. Learn more in this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Why Is My Yucca Plant Drooping: Troubleshooting Drooping Yucca Plants
Yucca is a tough plant that thrives in difficult conditions, but it can develop a number of problems that may cause drooping yucca plants. If your yucca plant droops, the problem may be pests, disease, or environmental conditions. Learn more here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Separating And Repotting Yucca Offshoot Pups
While yucca owners may have different varieties of yucca, one thing will be consistent and that is how to best propagate the yucca. This article provides information on how to separate and repot yucca pups.
By Heather Rhoades
Curved Leaf Yucca Growing: How To Grow Curved Leaf Yucca Plants
Unlike some yucca species, curved leaf yucca can grow in relatively cool and wet regions. A curved leaf yucca growing in a courtyard or a rock garden adds a decorative touch. Want to learn more about growing this plant? This article can help with that.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
What Is Banana Yucca: Tips For Banana Yucca Care
Banana yucca is named for the fleshy, sweet-tasting, green to dark purple seedpods, which are about the size and shape of a banana. Interested in growing banana yucca in your garden? Click on the following article to learn how to grow banana yucca.
By Mary H. Dyer
Big Bend Yucca Care – How To Grow Big Bend Yucca Plants
Big Bend yucca is a tree-like type of yucca with blue-green, lance-shaped leaves and tall, bell-shaped blooms that rise above the plant in summer. Big Bend yucca plants are easy to grow in USDA plant hardiness zones 5-10. Learn how to grow this yucca here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Adam’s Needle Information – How To Grow An Adam’s Needle Yucca Plant
Adam's needle yucca (Yucca filamentosa) is a plant in the agave family that is native to the Southeastern United States. The plant is used primarily as an ornamental in the garden. Click the following article for more Adam's needle information.
By Darcy Larum
Spots On Yucca Leaves: Care For Yucca Plant With Black Spots
Like any foliage plant, yucca can be damaged by fungus, bacterial and viral diseases, and pest infestations. Black spots on yucca may be caused by any of these problems. Treatment solutions for spotty yucca plants can be found here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Yucca Leaf Curl: Tips On Caring For Curling Yucca Plants
The easy care nature of yuccas has made them a popular houseplant or garden specimen. Although they rarely give problems, the few they do suffer can cause unsightly problems like curled or rolled up leaves. Find out how to manage this problem in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
Yucca Soil: Learn About Soil Mix For Yucca Plants
When growing yucca, soil is the most important consideration. It tolerates extreme conditions and rarely requires water, fertilizer, or pruning. Super easy-care if the soil is right.
By Mary H. Dyer
Yucca Leaning Over: Why Yucca Is Falling Over And How To Fix
When you have a leaning yucca plant, it may appear as though the plant is leaning because it is top heavy, but healthy yucca stems stand up under a heavy growth of leaves without bending. Read this article to find out what causes a yucca to lean over.
By Jackie Carroll
Yucca Uses - Can You Grow Yucca Plant As Food
The difference between Yuca and Yucca is broader than a simple C lacking in the spelling. Yuca, or cassava, is an important global food, while its counterpart, yucca, is an ornamental plant. So, is yucca edible as well? Click here to learn more.
By Amy Grant
Yucca Division Guide – Can I Divide Yucca Plants
By Mary H. Dyer
What Is Soapweed Yucca – How To Grow A Soapweed Yucca Plant
Soapweed yucca is an attractive clumping perennial with grayish-green, dagger-like leaves that grow from a central rosette. Growing soapweed yuccas isn’t difficult as long as you can provide the right growing conditions. Learn how to grow a soapweed yucca here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Spanish Bayonet Yucca Care: How To Grow Spanish Bayonet Plants
The Spanish bayonet yucca plant has been used for centuries by native people for basket making, clothing, and footwear. Today, it is mostly grown as a dramatic landscape plant. Click on this article for more Spanish bayonet information.
By Darcy Larum
Yucca Plant Varieties: Common Types Of Yucca Plants
Large, spiky leaves and large clusters of white flowers make yucca plants ideal for many landscape settings. Find out about the varieties of yucca plants and both their landscape and household uses in this article.
By Jackie Carroll