Yucca plants are a popular choice in a xeriscape landscape but can also be grown in the home. Wherever you grow yucca plants, it’s never a bad idea to stay up to date on all the yucca plant care information you can. So keep reading for helpful tips and advice on all aspects of yucca care and learn how to grow yuccas with ease.
Yucca Plants In Cold Weather - Helping Yuccas With Frost Damage and Hard Freeze Damage
Some varieties of yucca can easily withstand a hard freeze, but other tropical varieties can suffer severe damage with only a light frost. Read here for information on how to treat damage to yucca in winter.
By Heather Rhoades
What Is Blue Yucca: How To Grow Blue Yucca Plants
If you have ever been to the Chihuahua Desert, you would have noticed the blue yucca. What is blue yucca? The plant is a sharp-leaved wonder with a 12-foot height (3.5 m.) and powder blue tone. Click here for more blue yucca information.
By Bonnie L. Grant
What Is Beargrass Yucca : Learn About Beargrass Yucca Plants
Beargrass yucca plants (Yucca smalliana) are commonly found in sandy soil in the southeastern United States. Growing beargrass yucca in the home landscape requires similar soil and exposure. Learn more about this yucca variety in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Yucca Plants - Care And Pruning: Tips For Pruning A Yucca
One problem in caring for yucca plants is that indoor plants can grow too tall. They need to be trimmed back. Pruning a yucca is an excellent way to keep your yucca manageable. Click here for more info.
By Heather Rhoades
Yucca Flowers: Reasons Why A Yucca Plant Doesn't Bloom
Yuccas make a lovely low maintenance screen or garden accent, especially the yucca plant flower. When your yucca plant doesn?t bloom, this can be frustrating for the home gardener. Read here to learn more.
By Susan Patterson
Propagation Of Yucca Plant
Yucca plants are a popular choice in a xeriscape landscape. They are also popular houseplants. Learning how to do the propagation of a yucca plant is an excellent way to increase their numbers. Read more here.
By Heather Rhoades
Yucca Plant Problems: Why A Yucca Plant Has Brown Tips Or Foliage
Yucca plants are typically easy-care landscaping plants, but they can have occasional problems. One of the most common symptoms of a sick yucca is browning leaves. Find out what to do for a yucca turning brown in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
Yucca Repotting Tips: How To Repot a Yucca Plant
When planted in containers, yucca provides a striking accent to a patio and adds beauty indoors. While yuccas thrive with little attention, repotting yucca is occasionally necessary to keep the plants looking their best. Learn more here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Yucca Seed Pod Propagation: Tips For Planting Yucca Seeds
Yuccas are arid region plants that are extremely adaptable to the home landscape. They are popular for their striking, sword-like foliage. The plants infrequently bloom, but when they do, they develop oval seed pods. Learn how to propagate them here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Joshua Tree Information - Joshua Tree Growing Tips And Care
The Joshua tree bestows the architectural majesty and character of the American Southwest. The plant is a yucca and an adaptable plant. Read here for info on how to grow a Joshua tree.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Yucca Transplanting: How To Transplant A Yucca In The Garden
Sometimes, a plant simply outgrows its location and needs to be moved. In the case of yucca, the timing is as important as the method. Find tips on when and how to transplant a yucca in the following article. Click here for more information.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Red Yucca Information – Growing A Hummingbird Red Yucca Plant
By Mary H. Dyer
Yellow Yucca Leaves - Why Is My Yucca Plant Yellow
Whether you grow it indoors or out, one plant that thrives in the face of neglect is the yucca plant. Yellowing leaves might indicate that you are trying too hard. This article tells you how to save a yellowing yucca. Click here to learn more.
By Jackie Carroll
Yucca Plant Bugs: Learn How To Treat Insects That Affect Yuccas
Yucca seldom have problems or diseases you'll have to deal with, but if you happen to notice a bug or two crawling around on your plants, it's best to know if it's a friend or foe. Read this article for pests that commonly bother yuccas in the landscape.
By Kristi Waterworth