Ornamental Gardens
Ornamental gardens are, first and foremost, gardens that look good. What makes your garden look good is totally up to you, and luckily there are almost countless ornamental plants to grow.
Explore Ornamental Gardens
Editor's Picks
Ultimate Amaryllis Care Guide: Everything You Need To Grow Amaryllis Plants
Amaryllis bulbs are a popular holiday gift, but did you know you can keep them going for years and years? Here's our comprehensive amaryllis care guide.
By Bonnie L. Grant
18 Colorful Hostas To Add A Burst Of Brightness To Your Shade Garden
Brighten up your shade garden with these 18 colorful hosta varieties, plus a few extras we couldn't resist throwing in, too.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Unique Ornamental Native Grasses: 7 Decorative Natives For Structure And Style
Textured grass is an easy way to amplify garden dynamics, but not all grasses are suited to every region. Try one of these ornamental native grasses for the perfect feathery fit
By Tonya Barnett
"I Turned My Floral Hobby Into A Thriving Business" – A Grower Shares Secrets For Success
Meet Dee Hall Goodwin, a professional cut flower farmer and dahlia fanatic, who turned her passion for growing and arranging flowers into a successful business. She wants everyone to share the floral joy.
By Karen Darlow
How Long Do Mums Last? Plus, How To Make Chrysanthemum Flowers Last Longer
Chrysanthemums have the potential for enduring displays as we enter the quieter months of the year. But how long do mums last? Here’s how to maximize your fall blooms
By Mary Ellen Ellis
7 Plants You Should Never Prune In Fall: Don't Trim These Perennials Until Spring
Discover popular shrubs and trees that must not be pruned until spring, to ensure healthy plants with maximum flowers, and support local wildlife.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
7 Fall Privacy Plants To Screen Your Space With Glorious Autumn Colors
Provide shelter and privacy to borders and outdoor seating areas with beautiful plants ablaze with color and interest in the fall.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Are Orchids Poisonous To Cats? How To Keep Pets Safe And Stop Them Nibbling On Plants
The question of whether orchids are toxic to cats should be a prime consideration for indoor gardeners. Discover the potential risks, and how to avoid them.
By Amy Grant
What Is A Florist Hydrangea? – Plus, Why You Shouldn’t Plant Them In Your Garden
They may look gorgeous, but is it worth your while trying to grow a florist hydrangea? While lovely in short-term displays, here’s why you should think carefully before you take one on
By Mary Ellen Ellis
8 Plants You Should Prune In October – Don't Miss The Fall Trimming Window
Prune these plants before the frost hits to avoid pests and diseases, and to ensure healthy growth and abundant blooms next year.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Thanksgiving Cactus Care Guide: Grow Healthy Plants That Bloom Over The Holidays
Grow thriving Thanksgiving cactus plants that reliably rebloom, with this expert guide to creating the ideal growing conditions and solving common problems.
By Melanie Griffiths
8 Small Trees For Front Yards – Boost Curb Appeal Without Dominating The House
Discover the best small trees for front yards, which make an impact in multiple seasons without overshadowing the rest of the yard.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Beautiful Fall Blooming Shrubs: 7 Flowering Plants For Late Season Interest And Color
While some shrubs fill quiet corners with reliable green tones in autumn, others burst forth with warm, cheerful tones. Try these fall-blooming shrubs for late season hues
By Tonya Barnett
Repotting A Thanksgiving Cactus: Your Expert Guide For Thriving Plants
Learn how to repot your Thanksgiving cactus to ensure a happy, healthy houseplant filled with glorious blooms for the holiday season.
By Tonya Barnett
Planting Perennials In Fall: How To Ensure New Shrubs And Flowers Thrive
Fall is the perfect time to get a head start on your garden goals by planting many perennial varieties. Come spring time, they will be raring to go.
By Tonya Barnett
Blue Flowers For Native Gardens: 7 Native Blue Flowers To Grow
Blue might not seem like the sort of color that crops up regularly in a native garden, but you’d be amazed! Here we round up the loveliest native blue flowers you can try
By Tonya Barnett
Overwinter Mums: Keep Chrysanthemums Coming Back Year After Year
Overwintering mums is possible with the right care. Learn how to winterize mums so you can have color in your fall garden every year.
By Tonya Barnett