Their ease of care and beauty makes azalea bushes one of the most popular flowering shrubs in the landscape. In fact, nothing is more beautiful than a growing azalea shrub in spring bloom. To keep azaleas looking healthy, it’s essential that you practice proper azalea care. The information that follows will help do just that. Continue reading and learn how to grow azaleas for an amazing spring display.
Azalea Cuttings For an Infinite Number of Plants
Taking azalea cuttings to grow new azalea bushes is so easy. Fill your garden with new plants from your favorite azalea at no cost!
By Teo Spengler
How And When To Prune Azaleas, According To Gardening Pros
Knowing when to prune an azalea and how to do it keeps shrubs healthy and promotes a manageable size. Here's how to prune this plant for beautiful blooms.
By Heather Rhoades
How To Grow And Care For Azaleas
Azaleas can be grown in nearly any garden, adding vibrant color in the spring. Click here for the best azalea growing tips and tricks.
By Amy Draiss
Good Azalea Care: Azaleas, Noteworthy Shrubs For Any Garden
By Nikki Tilley
Azalea Insect Problems - Lace Bug Damage To Azaleas
Azaleas are a popular landscaping plant due to their ease of care and their beauty. But, for all their ease, they are not without a few problems. One of those is the azalea lace bug. Learn more in this article.
By Heather Rhoades
Leaf Gall On Azaleas: How To Treat Azalea Leaf Gall
Azaleas bring amazing beauty to the landscape, but when azalea leaf gall appears, the gentle illusion may be broken. Never fear, those galls can be destroyed with dedicated care and patience. This article provides additional information that will help.
By Kristi Waterworth
Potted Winter Azalea Care – What To Do With Potted Azaleas In Winter
How do you winterize an outdoor potted azalea plant? It's easier than you'd think. Click here to learn how.
By Tonya Barnett
Types Of Azalea – Growing Different Azalea Plant Cultivars
For shrubs with spectacular blossoms, many gardeners rely on different varieties of azalea. Learn about azalea plant cultivars here.
By Teo Spengler
Winter Protection For Azaleas: Caring For Azalea Shrubs In Winter
Preparing azalea shrubs for winter will ensure your plants are hale and hearty when temperatures rise in spring. Read this article for tips on suitable winter protection for azaleas. Click here for more information.
By Mary H. Dyer
Are Your Azalea Branches Dying: Learn About Azalea Dieback Diseases
If you're wondering why there are dying branches on azaleas, you've come to the right place. It's usually caused by insects or diseases. This article explains how to identify the cause and what you can do about it.
By Jackie Carroll
Azaleas Are Turning Brown: What Causes Brown Azalea Blossoms
By Teo Spengler
Honeysuckle Azalea Care: Tips For Growing Honeysuckle Azaleas
Growing honeysuckle azaleas is a great option for shady areas and anywhere you want to enjoy a beautiful flowering shrub with a sweet aroma. With the right sun and soil conditions, this is an easy shrub to grow. Click here for more information.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Native Azalea Shrubs – Where Do Western Azaleas Grow
Both rhododendrons and azaleas are common sights along the Pacific Coast. One of the most common varieties of these is the Western azalea plant. Click the following article to find out what a Western azalea is and tips on growing Western azalea plants.
By Amy Grant
Azalea Mulching Guidelines: What’s The Best Azalea Mulch
Their requirements are few, but azaleas do need moist soil. Mulching azalea bushes is one way to keep the humidity in the soil, but using mulch for azaleas helps the plants in other ways too. Click here for information about the best azalea mulch, and tips on how to mulch azaleas.
By Teo Spengler
Azaleas And Cold Weather: Azaleas That Grow In High Elevations
Azaleas and cold weather can mesh if you pick the right cultivars and provide the right care. It's also possible to find azaleas that grow in high elevations. This article has information about caring for azaleas in mountain climates and cooler regions.
By Teo Spengler
Fashion Azalea Care – Learn How To Grow Fashion Azalea Shrubs
By Teo Spengler
Phytophthora Root Rot In Azaleas
Azaleas are often grown in the home landscape not only for their beauty, but for their hardiness. But, for as hardy as they are, phytophthora root rot can affect azalea shrubs. Click here to learn more.
By Heather Rhoades