Their ease of care and beauty makes azalea bushes one of the most popular flowering shrubs in the landscape. In fact, nothing is more beautiful than a growing azalea shrub in spring bloom. To keep azaleas looking healthy, it’s essential that you practice proper azalea care. The information that follows will help do just that. Continue reading and learn how to grow azaleas for an amazing spring display.
What Is A Swamp Azalea – How To Grow A Native Swamp Azalea
As the name suggests, swamp azalea plants grow in wet soil. They're a great choice for those persistently wet areas of your native garden.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Care Of Indoor Azaleas: Tips For Growing An Azalea Houseplant
Greenhouse azaleas are beautiful, multicolored joys of spring. Their bright beauty has caused many a gardener to ask, "Can you grow azalea indoors successfully?" Find the answer here.
By Jackie Rhoades
Azalea Is Not Leafing Out: Why Are There No Leaves On My Azalea
Azalea bushes without leaves can cause anxiety as you wonder what to do. In this article, you'll learn how to determine the cause of leafless azaleas and help the shrubs recover. So click here for more info on azalea leaf growth.
By Jackie Carroll
Azalea Fertilizer Tips – What’s The Best Fertilizer For Azaleas
Fertilizer for azaleas is often unnecessary unless the plants are showing signs of nutritional deficiency. It is important to recognize when to fertilize azalea plants and when it is not necessary. Click this article for azalea fertilizer tips.
By Teo Spengler
Caring For Azalea Plants In Pots: How To Care For A Potted Azalea Plant
Neat and compact, azaleas are well-suited for container growing. If the prospect of growing azaleas in containers piques your interest, click this article for more information about caring for azalea plants in pots.
By Mary H. Dyer
When Do Azaleas Bloom – Information On Azalea Blooming Periods
There are myriad possible answers to the question "Why aren't my azaleas blooming?" but with a little detective work, you should be able to figure out the reason that fits your case. This article will help break it down.
By Teo Spengler
When Can I Transplant Azaleas: Tips On Relocating An Azalea Bush
Azaleas are a favorite perennial for many gardeners because of their long lives and reliable flowering. Since they?re such a mainstay, it can be heartbreaking to have to get rid of them. It?s much more preferable to move them if at all possible. Learn more in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Do Azaleas Change Colors: Explanations For Azalea Color Change
Imagine you have purchased a lovely azalea in just the color you wanted and eagerly anticipate the next season's bloom. It might come as a shock to find your azalea blooms in an entirely different color. Find out why this happens here.
By Bonnie L. Grant