Holly Bushes
When you know how to grow holly and provide the best conditions for them, then the care of holly bushes is not only easy but minimal. Good holly care can help produce lush, healthy growth and avoid any problems with holly pests and disease later. So keep reading for tips on how to grow holly successfully and provide the best possible care of holly bushes in your landscape.
Proper Care For Holly Shrubs - Tips For Growing A Holly Bush
Growing holly bushes in your yard can add year-round interest. Because they are such popular plants, many people have questions about the care of holly bushes. Read this article to learn more about growing holly.
By Heather Rhoades
Nellie Stevens Holly Care: Tips On Growing Nellie Stevens Holly Trees
Nellie Stevens is a happy accident between a Chinese holly and an English holly. It has an interesting back story and an even more interesting growth form. Learn more about this plant in the article that follow and decide if you would like one in your garden.
By Bonnie L. Grant
American Holly Information: Tips On Growing American Holly Trees
Most of us are family with holly shrubs in the landscape and growing American holly trees (Ilex opaca) is a relatively easy endeavor. Learn more about how to grow this holly species in this article.
By Karen Boness
Robin Red Holly Info: Tips For Growing Robin Red Hollies
Holly plants of all types are often the first go-to plant for winter gardens. Because of this, plant breeders are continually creating newer varieties. One such new variety of holly is the Robin Red holly. Click this article for more Robin Red holly info.
By Darcy Larum
Prostrate Holly Info – Tips On Caring For Low Growing Holly Plants
Holly is a great evergreen shrub that adds winter green and beautiful red berries to the garden. But did you know that there is a low growing holly? You can grow prostrate holly to fill in spaces where a normal-sized shrub would be too big. Learn more here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Holly Problems: Holly Leaf Spot Or Holly Tar Spot
Most holly plants are normally very resilient. But all are susceptible to holly leaf spot, also known as holly tar spot. Get tips on how to recognize and control holly leaf and tar spot in the article that follows.
By Heather Rhoades
Reasons Why A Holly Bush Doesn't Have Berries
Many frustrated holly owners have asked "why doesn't my holly bush have berries?" When you have a holly with no berries, you may feel you are missing out. Read here to find out how to get berries on holly.
By Heather Rhoades
Propagation Of Holly Shrubs With Holly Cuttings
Holly cuttings are considered hardwood cuttings. These differ from softwood cuttings. When you are propagating holly bushes, the holly cuttings are taken from that year's new growth. Learn more in this article.
By Heather Rhoades
Tips For Growing Inkberry Holly: Learn About The Care Of Inkberries
Inkberry holly shrubs fill a number of landscaping uses, from shorter hedges to tall specimen plantings. Growing inkberry holly is a simple project, as these plants are almost carefree. Learn more here.
By Anne Baley
Holly Berry Midge Pests: Learn About Holly Midge Symptoms And Control
Holly shrubs take on a new character when their foliage becomes a backdrop for large clusters of berries. But when berries fail to ripen, the culprit is a small insect called a holly berry midge. Click here for more.
By Jackie Carroll
English Holly Facts: Learn How To Grow English Holly Plants In The Garden
English holly plants are the quintessential hollies, short broadleaf evergreen trees with dense, dark-green glossy leaves. Females produce bright berries. If you are interested in growing English hollies or just want a few more English holly facts, click here.
By Teo Spengler
Dahoon Holly Care: How To Plant Dahoon Holly Trees
If you're looking for an interesting species of tree for your landscaping needs, consider dahoon holly trees. Once established, they are tolerant of drier conditions but tend to stay smaller in stature. Want to learn more? Click this article for additional information.
By Laura Miller
Indoor Holly Care: Can You Grow Holly Indoors
Can you grow holly indoors? Growing holly inside is an option, although a few special rules and procedures apply. Click here to learn more.
By Teo Spengler
What Causes White Holly Spots: Dealing With White Spots On Holly Plants
Hollies are wonderful and attractive plants to have around, especially for the bright color they provide in the drab winter months, so it can be upsetting to look a little closer than usual and find little white spots all over the leaves. Find out more in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Holly Winter Care: A Guide To Holly Winter Protection
Hollies are tough evergreens that can survive punishing cold as far north as USDA plant hardiness zone 5, but that doesn't mean they are impervious to damage from winter sunlight, freezing temperatures and drying winds. Learn about caring for holly in winter here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Possumhaw Holly Information – How To Grow Possumhaw Hollies
What is a possumhaw holly? This deciduous holly is native to North America. Click this article for more possumhaw holly information. We'll give you some tips about how to grow possumhaw hollies and possumhaw holly care.
By Teo Spengler
What Is Blue Holly – Tips On Growing Meserve Blue Hollies
If you like holly trees, you might like blue holly. What is blue holly? Blue holly, also known as Meserve holly, is a hardy hybrid holly with shiny, blue-green evergreen leaves. For more Meserve holly information and tips on growing Meserve blue hollies, click here.
By Teo Spengler