For showy ornamental displays, hydrangeas are hard to beat. These attention-grabbing perennials can be pink, blue, purple or white, depending on soil type and a few growing essentials. We show you how to keep your mopheads and lacecaps in tiptop condition for optimum blooming potential.
PeeGee Hydrangeas – Care Of PeeGee Hydrangea Plants
Learning about PeeGee hydrangea care will help homeowners decide whether growing this shrub in their yard is doable. Click here for more info.
By Tonya Barnett
Endless Summer Bigleaf Hydrangea Bushes That Keep On Blooming
Want hydrangeas that bloom all season long? Endless Summer hydrangeas are the ones for you. Click to learn more.
By Susan Albert
Tips For Pruning Endless Summer Hydrangea Bushes
Endless Summer hydrangeas are all the rage, but how do make sure they keep blooming? Click here for Endless Summer pruning tips.
By Tonya Barnett
Powdery Substance On Hydrangeas: Powdery Mildew Hydrangea Treatment
Dealing with hydrangeas having powdery mildew renders them less than lovely. Learn about hydrangea powdery mildew and its treatment here.
By Amy Grant
Winterizing Hydrangea Plants: Tips On Preventing Winter Kill In Hydrangeas
Hydrangea cold tolerance varies among varieties, so you may need to think about winterizing hydrangea plants. Winter kill on hydrangeas is not a pretty sight. Learn how to protect hydrangeas from cold in this article.
By Teo Spengler
Sun Tolerant Hydrangeas: Heat Tolerant Hydrangeas For Gardens
Hydrangeas are appreciated for their ability to thrive in cool, moist shade, but some types are more heat and drought tolerant than others. For more tips and ideas about hydrangeas that take heat, this article will help.
By Mary H. Dyer
Growing Hydrangeas From Seed – Tips For Sowing Hydrangea Seeds
If you are looking for a new garden challenge, try growing hydrangeas from seed. Click on the following article for information on planting hydrangea seeds and tips on how to grow hydrangea from seed.
By Teo Spengler
Hydrangea Hedge Ideas – Tips For Making A Hydrangea Hedge
Learning about using hydrangeas as a hedge can help growers decide if making a hedge row is right for their garden. Click here for more info.
By Tonya Barnett
Potted Hydrangea Houseplant – How To Care For Hydrangea Indoors
Can hydrangea grow indoors as a houseplant? Yes, you can! Click this article to learn how to care for hydrangea indoors.
By Mary H. Dyer
Hydrangea With Green Flowers - Cause Of Green Hydrangea Blooms
While their normal summer-blooming color is blue, pink, or white, we all notice those green hydrangea flowers at some point in the season. Why do hydrangea flowers bloom green? Find out in this article.
By Jackie Rhoades
Fertilizing Hydrangeas: Hydrangea Care And Feeding
How to feed hydrangeas is a common concern. Hydrangea care and feeding are fairly simple once you learn some basic rules. Learn what those are in the article that follows to ensure healthy hydrangeas.
By Jackie Rhoades
Hydrangeas That Are Evergreen: What Hydrangeas Are Evergreen
What hydrangeas are evergreen year-round? Are there hydrangeas that don’t lose their leaves? There aren’t many, but evergreen hydrangea varieties are stunningly beautiful – all year. Click the following article and learn more about hydrangeas that are evergreen.
By Mary H. Dyer
Hydrangea Winter Care: How To Protect Hydrangeas From Winter Cold And Wind
Proper hydrangea winter care will determine the success of next summer's blooms. The key to hydrangea winter protection is to protect your plant. Find what you need to do for your hydrangea in winter here.
By Molly Lavins
Tips For Pruning Oakleaf Hydrangea Bushes
Large, showy oakleaf hydrangeas appreciate being properly pruned. But how do you prune an oakleaf hydrangea? Click to learn how.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Tips For Pruning Hydrangea Trees In The Landscape
Panicle cultivar tree hydrangeas are beautiful shrubs that can grow into small trees. Prune them in early spring before their new growth begins.
By Teo Spengler
Spots On Hydrangea Leaves – How To Treat Hydrangeas With Leaf Spots
Hydrangeas are a favorite flowering shrub of many, with big blooms and attractive foliage. However, spots on hydrangea leaves can ruin the beauty and infect other shrubs too. Learn how to treat the hydrangea leaf spot disease and make your plant beautiful again here.
By Becca Badgett
Late Blooming Hydrangea Varieties For Fall Color
It’s great to have beautiful hydrangeas that keep on blooming into the autumn months. Read about fall-blooming hydrangeas.
By Tonya Barnett