Lilac Bushes
Lilac bushes are old-fashioned favorites which excel in ornamental borders, cottage gardens and purple themed plots. Growing lilacs rewards you with intoxicating aromas through spring and summer. Our experts show you how to cultivate one of the most uplifting and abundant flowering shrubs.
Lilac Pruning Guide: How To Prune A Lilac Bush
Lilac pruning is rewarding because pruning lilac bushes means their fragrant flowers will thrive and flourish the next year. Learn how to prune lilacs to either maintain them or to tame them.
By Nikki Tilley
Complete Guide To Propagating Lilacs: Everything You Need To Know
Propagating lilacs can be tricky, but this guide makes it simple. Learn everything you need to know about how to grow more lilacs in your landscape.
By Mary H. Dyer
Japanese Tree Lilac Problems – Treating Problems In Ivory Silk Lilac Trees
Generally, the problems with Japanese tree lilacs are few and far between, but you?ll want to know about treating problems in Ivory Silk lilac should they arise. The following article can help with that. Click here for more information.
By Teo Spengler
Lilac Companion Plants – What To Plant With Lilac Bushes
However lovely the flowers are, the lilac shrub's short blooming season can be disappointing. A careful selection of lilac bush companions in the garden can help fill the gap. For tips on what to plant with lilac bushes, click this article.
By Teo Spengler
Lilac Seed Propagation: Harvesting And Growing Lilac Seeds
Lilac bushes are low-maintenance shrubs prized for their fragrant purple, pink, or white blossoms. The article that follows provides information about how to harvest lilac seeds and lilac seed propagation. Click here to learn more.
By Teo Spengler
Lilac Phytoplasma Information: Learn About Witches’ Broom In Lilacs
Lilac witches' broom is an unusual growth pattern that causes new shoots to grow in tufts or clusters so that they resemble an old-fashioned broom. The brooms are caused by a disease that often kills the shrub. Click here for details about witches' broom in lilac.
By Jackie Carroll
Is Lilac A Tree Or A Shrub: Learn About Types Of Lilac Trees And Shrubs
Is a lilac a tree or a shrub? It all depends on the variety. Shrub lilacs and bush lilacs are short and compact. Tree lilacs are trickier. Learn more about these differences in the article that follows. Click here for more info.
By Liz Baessler
No Lilac Scent: Why A Lilac Tree Doesn't Have Fragrance
If your lilac tree doesn't have fragrance, you're not alone. Many people are troubled by the fact that some lilac flowers have no smell. Read this article to get reasons for lilac flowers that have no smell.
By Nikki Tilley
Growing Dwarf Lilacs - Learn About Common Dwarf Lilac Varieties
Lilacs have an unfortunate tendency to get large and unruly, but new types of dwarf lilac have compact forms. Click here to learn more about them.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Japanese Lilac Information: What Is A Japanese Lilac Tree
Japanese tree lilac is available as a multi-stemmed shrub or a tree with a single trunk. Both forms have a lovely shape that looks great in shrub borders or as specimens. Find tips for growing them in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
Lilac Borer Pests: Learn How To Get Rid Of Lilac Borers
According to lilac borer information, the larvae of ash borer moths damage not only lilac but also ash trees and privet. If you want more information about lilac ash borer symptoms or tips for managing lilac ash borers, this article will help.
By Teo Spengler
Winterizing Lilac Shrubs: Tips For Lilac Care In Winter
Winter freezes can damage some tender varieties but with a little know how, the plants handle a hard winter beautifully and need little special lilac care in winter. Learn more in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Lilac Plant History: Learn About The History Of Lilac Bushes
By Mary H. Dyer
Potted Dwarf Korean Lilac Tree: How To Grow Syringa Meyeri In Containers
Considering bringing a potted plant into the garden? Look no further than a dwarf Korean lilac tree. Click here to learn more about potted lilac, including tips on how to care for dwarf Korean lilac trees.
By Teo Spengler
Dwarf Lilac Trees – What Is A Meyer Lilac
What is a Meyer lilac? Native to China and Japan, it's a heavy bloomer that produces masses of small, fragrant, tube-shaped flowers in shades of pinkish lavender and pale purple every spring. Read on for more.
By Mary H. Dyer
Lilac Bush Is Not Blooming – Why Won’t My Lilac Bush Bloom
When a lilac bush is not blooming, it means there are a few things to investigate, so let’s explore the issues in this article.
By Gardening Know How
Powdery Mildew On Lilac Bushes: Tips For Treating Powdery Mildew On Lilacs
Lilac blooms are one of the best parts of the growing season, but these bushes can also bring dramatic heartbreak when they get sick. Powdery mildew on lilac bushes is one of the most common problems of these beloved plants. Learn how to eliminate it here.
By Kristi Waterworth