Oleander plants are among the most versatile of shrubs, with dozens of uses in the landscape. Oleander care is easy too, which is one reason this shrub is so popular. Unfortunately, when growing oleander shrubs, they sometimes fall victim to a few common oleander pests and disease. It’s also important to be knowledgeable of oleander toxicity before you plant an oleander. Learn more about these potential hazards and find tips on general care and pruning here.
Oleander Plant Caterpillars: Learn About Oleander Caterpillar Damage
While oleander caterpillar damage rarely kills the host plant, it defoliates the oleander and gives the leaves a skeleton-like appearance if not controlled. The damage is largely aesthetic. Click this article for information on how to get rid of oleander caterpillars.
By Mary H. Dyer
Oleander Leaf Curl Issues: Reasons For Leaf Curl On Oleander
Although hardy and adaptable, oleander can develop various problems, including leaf curl. If your oleander leaves are curling, it's time to troubleshoot some possible reasons. Click this article for help in diagnosing and treating the issue.
By Mary H. Dyer
Oleander Knot Disease – What To Do About Bacterial Gall On Oleander
As far as oleander diseases go, oleander knot diseases aren't the worst, although the warty galls cause unsightly, distorted growth. If oleander knot disease has afflicted your plant, click here to learn about treating the disease, also known as nerium canker.
By Mary H. Dyer
Removing Oleander Bushes – How To Get Rid Of Oleanders
Removing oleander bushes is easier said than done, however, as they develop a huge root system, numerous vigorous suckers and entrench themselves firmly in their garden home. Click this article for some tips on how to get rid of oleanders with success.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Oleander Winter Care: How To Overwinter An Oleander Shrub
Oleanders can be severely damaged or even killed by winter cold. You can forestall damage to your plants if you learn how to overwinter an oleander. Click this articler for tips on oleander winter care.
By Teo Spengler
Oleander Leaf Scorch Symptoms – What Causes Leaf Scorch On Oleander
A lethal disease called oleander leaf scorch is now taking its toll on the oleander population. If you?ve never heard of oleander leaf scorch, you probably have questions. What is oleander leaf scorch? What causes it? Can you treat it? Find out here.
By Teo Spengler
Rejuvenating Overgrown Oleanders: Tips For Pruning An Overgrown Oleander
Rejuvenating overgrown oleanders is largely a matter of pruning and patience. For additional information about rejuvenation pruning of oleander and when to prune oleanders to rejuvenate them, this article will help.
By Teo Spengler
Oleander Plant Diseases – How To Treat Diseases Of Oleander Plants
Oleander shrubs are tough plants that typically need little care to reward you with a profusion of colorful flowers in summer. But there are some diseases of oleander plants that can compromise their health and hinder their ability to bloom. Learn more here.
By Victoria Blackstone