There are various types of shrubs that can be grown in the landscape, from flowering shrubs to evergreen shrubs. Knowing which ones are best suited to your region and how to grow them is crucial in their overall success. For this reason, we have created a shrub care guide that features informative articles on growing shrubs—be it individual evergreen and flowering shrubs or simply general shrub care, such as pruning or common shrub issues. To learn more about growing shrubs for your garden or landscape, continue reading.
Explore Shrubs
Insects On Burning Bush Leaves – How To Treat Bugs On Burning Bush Plants
One of the problems you may have with beautiful burning bush shrubs is insect pests. This article tells you what to do when you see insects on burning bush leaves. Click here for additional information that will help.
By Jackie Carroll
What Are Lingonberries: Tips For Growing Lingonberry Plants
If you don't have friends of Scandinavian descent, you may be wondering, "What are lingonberries?". The following article is filled with lingonberry information, including how to grow your own lingonberries at home.
By Amy Grant
Transplanting Oleanders – Learn How To Transplant An Oleander Bush
If the site you planted oleanders isn't working out, questions might arise about transplanting oleanders. How to transplant an oleander bush? When to move an oleander? Will transplanting oleanders kill them? Click here for information.
By Teo Spengler
Oleander Container Gardening: Tips On Growing Oleander In Containers
Growing oleander in containers is the only way to go in a lot of climates. To learn more about oleander container gardening and how to grow oleander in pots, use the information found in this article by clicking here.
By Liz Baessler
Leaf Drop On Oleander – Reasons For Oleander Dropping Leaves
There are several possible reasons for an oleander dropping leaves. Cultural conditions, pests, disease, and even herbicide drift can all cause oleander leaf drop. Click this article for some possible causes and solutions to leaf drop on oleander.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Lilly Pilly Plant Care – Information About Planting Lilly Pilly Bushes
By Teo Spengler
Lilac Phytoplasma Information: Learn About Witches’ Broom In Lilacs
Lilac witches' broom is an unusual growth pattern that causes new shoots to grow in tufts or clusters so that they resemble an old-fashioned broom. The brooms are caused by a disease that often kills the shrub. Click here for details about witches' broom in lilac.
By Jackie Carroll
Is Lilac A Tree Or A Shrub: Learn About Types Of Lilac Trees And Shrubs
Is a lilac a tree or a shrub? It all depends on the variety. Shrub lilacs and bush lilacs are short and compact. Tree lilacs are trickier. Learn more about these differences in the article that follows. Click here for more info.
By Liz Baessler
Lilac Root System: Can Foundations Suffer Damage From Lilac Roots
There is nothing like the fragrance of lilac blossoms wafting through an open window, but is it safe to plant lilacs close to your foundation? Read this article to learn about potential risks from lilac roots.
By Jackie Carroll
Ligustrum Care: Information On How To Grow Ligustrum Shrubs
Ligustrum plants, also known as privets, tolerate a wide range of conditions and are among the easiest shrubs and small trees to grow. Learn more about planting ligustrum shrubs and their care in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
Container Grown Lingonberries: Caring For Lingonberries In Pots
Lingonberries are fabulous in sauces and preserves, and perfect for container growing. Learn more about growing lingonberries in containers and caring for them in the following article. Click here for additional information.
By Liz Baessler
Fertilizing Cherry Laurels – How Much Fertilizer Do Cherry Laurels Need
In order for cherry laurel to perform well in the landscape, it does require maintenance such as regular pruning and fertilizing. In this article, we will discuss properly fertilizing cherry laurels. Click to learn how to fertilize a cherry laurel shrub.
By Darcy Larum
Edgeworthia Information: Learn About Paperbush Plant Care
Many gardeners love to discover a new plant for the shade garden. If you aren't familiar with paperbush (Edgeworthia spp.), it's a fun and unusual flowering shrub. Click this article for additional Edgeworthia information.
By Teo Spengler
Woody Perennial Information: What Makes A Perennial Woody
Most plants are categorized into two general types: either perennial or annual. Perennials are those that live for two years or more, and there are two types of perennials - herbaceous perennials and woody perennials. Click here for basic woody perennial information.
By Mary H. Dyer
Managing Large Shrubs – Learn How To Trim An Overgrown Shrub
If you move into a new home and find the backyard filled with badly overgrown shrubs, it's time to learn about rejuvenating shrubs with pruning. Click this article for information about managing large shrubs and tips on how to trim an overgrown shrub.
By Teo Spengler
Treating Sick Bottlebrush Plants: Learn About Diseases Of Bottlebrush
Few plants fit their common names better than bottlebrush shrubs. These eye-catching plants are generally vital, healthy shrubs, but occasionally bottlebrush diseases strike. If you have sick bottlebrush plants, click here for helpful information.
By Teo Spengler
Coppertina Ninebark Care: Tips For Growing Coppertina Ninebark Shrubs
Ninebark shrubs come in many varieties with a wide array of color, size, and texture. This article will focus on the variety of Coppertina ninebark shrubs. Click on the article that follows for more Coppertina ninebark information.
By Darcy Larum