Virburnum, available in both evergreen and deciduous forms, is a popular shrub that offers many benefits for home gardeners. Growing viburnums include fragrant springtime blooms, attractive autumn and showy berries that welcome songbirds to your garden. These versatile shrubs are fun to grow and easy to get along with. The following information will help you plant, grow and care for viburnum shrubs.
Types Of Viburnum Plants: Choosing Varieties Of Viburnum For The Garden
There are over 150 species of viburnum, as well as countless cultivars of viburnum. With so many varieties of viburnum available, where do you even begin? Click this article to learn about some of the common viburnum varieties and what sets them apart.
By Liz Baessler
Growing Dwarf Viburnums – Learn About Small Viburnum Shrubs
Viburnums are among the most popular shrubs for home gardens, providing many seasons of garden interest. However, due to the size these plants can grow, not every gardener has a space big enough to accommodate them. Click here for dwarf viburnum varieties.
By Teo Spengler
Caring For Viburnum Flowering Shrub
With interesting foliage, attractive and fragrant flowers, showy berries and numerous varieties to choose from, viburnum makes an exceptional addition to nearly any landscape. Read here for growing info.
By Nikki Tilley
Viburnum Hedge Spacing: How To Grow A Viburnum Hedge In Your Garden
All viburnum shrubs are easy care, and some have fragrant spring flowers. Creating a viburnum hedge isn't very difficult. If you want to know how to grow a viburnum hedge, then this article will help get you started.
By Teo Spengler
Variegated Viburnum Plants: Tips On Growing Variegated Leaf Viburnums
Most viburnums have glossy or dull green foliage, often with contrasting pale undersides. However, there are a few types of variegated leaf viburnums with splashy, mottled leaves. Learn more about three popular types of variegated viburnum in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
Koreanspice Viburnum Care: Growing Koreanspice Viburnum Plants
With its small size, dense growing pattern and showy flowers, Koreanspice viburnum is an excellent choice for a specimen shrub as well as border plant. So how do you go about growing this viburnum in your garden? Find more info on Koreanspice viburnum here.
By Liz Baessler
Blackhaw Tree Facts – Learn About Growing A Blackhaw Viburnum
Wildlife will thank you if you plant Blackhaw viburnum in the landscape. You'll also get a joyful jolt of vibrant autumn color. For Blackhaw tree facts as well as tips on growing a Blackhaw viburnum, this article will help.
By Teo Spengler
Southern Arrowwood Shrub Care – How To Grow Southern Arrowwood Plants
Southern Arrowwood viburnums have all the charm of their introduced cousins plus a hardiness to a variety of climates that makes them very useful in the landscape. As an added bonus, Southern Arrowwood shrub care is a breeze. Learn more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Mapleleaf Viburnum Information – Tips On Growing Mapleleaf Viburnums
Mapleleaf viburnum shrubs are hardy additions to the landscape and work perfectly in planned native gardens. Click the following article to learn how to care for a Mapleleaf viburnum and what surprises you can expect from this plant.
By Bonnie L. Grant
David Viburnum Care – Tips On Growing David Viburnum Plants
David viburnum is a showy evergreen shrub that displays attractive, glossy, blue-green foliage year round with clusters of small white flowers in spring and metallic blue berries later in the season. If this has piqued your interest, click here for more information.
By Mary H. Dyer
Yellow Leaves On Viburnums: Reasons For Viburnum Leaves Turning Yellow
Often, pests or disease are to blame when a viburnum has yellow leaves. Sometimes, treating viburnums with yellow leaves simply involves a few changes in plant care. This article aims to help with that. Click here to learn more.
By Mary H. Dyer
Viburnum Problems: Why Won't My Viburnum Bush Flower
Their many shapes and sizes make viburnum shrubs ideal for practically any landscape. Non-flowering viburnums can be a huge disappointment, however. Learn how to fix blooming issues in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth