Trees are normally a welcome addition to the home landscape, so finding tree growing information is an essential part of their care. Whether you are needing this information for planting trees, the pruning of trees, or getting rid of ornamental trees that have outlasted their welcome, the following pages should help. Keep reading to find the type of tree care information that meets your needs. Our tree growing information continues to grow, so if you don’t find it now, keep checking. New articles are regularly added.
Explore Trees
White Fir Facts: What Is A Concolor Fir Tree
Concolor white fir is a stately evergreen tree with a symmetrical shape, long, soft needles and an attractive, silvery blue-green color. Concolor white fir is often planted as a striking focal point and is especially appreciated for its winter color. Learn more about it in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
False Cypress Care: How To Grow A False Cypress Tree
Whether you?re looking for a low growing foundation plant, dense hedge, or unique specimen plant, false cypress has a variety to fit your needs. For more Japanese false cypress info and some tips on how to grow a false cypress, click this article.
By Darcy Larum
Royal Empress Tree: World's Fastest Growing Shade Tree
Instant shade usually comes at a price. Normally, you'd have one of more disadvantages from trees that grow super fast. Here you can learn about growing a Royal Empress tree and its benefits.
By Sandra O'Hare
Can You Grow A Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree?
Rainbow eucalyptus is one of the most stunning trees you'll ever see. Intense color and astringent fragrance make the tree unforgettable, but it's not for everyone. Find out how to grow this amazing tree, and whether it is right for your landscape in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
Messiest Trees That Drop Debris Everywhere
Want to know which trees will create the biggest messes in your home landscape? Click here to find out.
By Amy Grant
How To Get Rid Of Tree Sprouts In The Yard From Nearby Trees
Learn the simple way to keep pesky tree seedlings in your lawn from becoming saplings.
By Teo Spengler
Coral Tree Information: Learn About Growing Coral Trees
Coral tree care is easy if you are in the correct region, but some growers may find them messy. Find out how to grow coral trees in this article and add some of their intense beauty to your garden.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Coral Bark Maple Trees: Tips On Planting Coral Bark Japanese Maples
Coral bark maple trees (Acer palmatum "Sango-kaku") are Japanese maples with four seasons of interest in the landscape. Want to learn more about the coral bark tree? Click this article for additional information about this stunning tree.
By Darcy Larum
Gray Dogwood Care - Learn About The Gray Dogwood Shrub
The gray dogwood isn't a tidy or attractive plant that you would want to plant in a well-groomed garden, but if you are planting a wildlife area or want a shrub for difficult conditions, it may be just what you need. Read on for information about this humble shrub.
By Jackie Carroll
What Is A Snofozam Tree – Snow Fountain Cherry Info And Care
If you?re looking for a flowering tree to accent your garden, try growing a Snow Fountain cherry. Click the article that follows to find out how to grow a snow fountain cherry, along with other useful Snow Fountain cherry information.
By Amy Grant
Hardwood Information: Recognizing Hardwood Tree Characteristics
If you've ever bumped your head on a tree, you'll argue that all trees have hard wood. But hardwood is a term biologists use. If you want information about hardwood tree characteristics, as well as a hardwood vs. softwood discussion, click here.
By Teo Spengler
Christmas Palm Tree Facts: Tips On Growing Christmas Palm Trees
Lucky warm season gardeners should know how to grow Christmas palm tree for diminutive tropical flair but easy maintenance. Click here to learn more.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Southern Magnolia Facts – Tips On Planting A Southern Magnolia Tree
If you are thinking of planting a southern magnolia tree, you'll want to read up on the trees and their cultural requirements. For all the information you need about southern magnolia care, click on the following article to learn more.
By Teo Spengler
Leyland Cypress Tree: How To Grow Leyland Cypress Trees
Leyland cypress is an appealing choice for medium to large landscapes and makes an excellent choice for a quick specimen lawn tree or a privacy hedge. Get tips for growing a Leyland cypress tree here.
By Jackie Carroll
Desert Willow Tree Facts: Caring For And Planting Desert Willow Trees
The long, slender leaves of desert willow make you think of willow, but once you learn some desert willow tree facts, you?ll see that it is not in the willow family at all. Click on this article to learn more about these interesting plants.
By Teo Spengler
Enjoying Star Magnolia Flowers: Caring For A Star Magnolia Tree
The elegance and beauty of the star magnolia are a welcome sign of spring. Learn why these trees are so popular and how to grow them in the article that follows. Click here for more info.
By Susan Patterson
Golden Raintree Information: Tips For Golden Raintree Care
The golden raintree produces tiny canary-yellow flowers in showy panicles that can get 12 inches (30 cm.) long. If you are interested in learning how to grow a golden raintree, click this article for additional golden raintree information.
By Teo Spengler