Sago Palms
Sago palms can enhance nearly any landscape and are also commonly grown as houseplants to create a tropical-like effect. One of the oldest of plants, this cycad has fronds resembling those of palm trees. Learn how to grow sagos and find information on sago palm care within the following pages. With the right info, you can enjoy these ancient plants free of sago palm problems.
Sago Palm Division: Tips On Splitting A Sago Palm Plant
Sago plants are so lush and lovely that nobody can fault you for wanting more than one. Fortunately, your sago will produce offsets, which can be split from the parent tree and planted solo. Learn about separating sago palm pups in this article.
By Teo Spengler
Sago Palm Flower Removal: Can You Remove A Sago Plant Flower
Sago palms only bloom once every 3 to 4 years with either male or female flowers. Some gardeners find them unattractive. So can you remove a sago plant flower without damaging the plant? Read this article for the answer.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Sago Palm Leaf Problems: My Sago Isn’t Growing Leaves
You can expect your sago palm to produce a whorl of dark green, feather-like fronds on its trunk. If your sago palm has no new leaves, it's time to start sago palm troubleshooting. Click this article to learn about common sago palm leaf problems.
By Teo Spengler
Transplanting Sago Palms – How To Transplant Sago Palm Trees
While some plants transplant easily, others do not. One such plant that prefers not to be transplanted once established is the sago palm. Should you find yourself needing to transplant a sago palm, this article is for you. Click here for more information.
By Darcy Larum
Weevils On Sago Palms – How To Control Palm Weevils
Weevils on sago palms cause extensive damage and many gardeners are asking how to control palm weevils. Click the article that follows for more information about palm weevil damage and sago palm weevil control.
By Teo Spengler
Repotting Sago Palm Trees: How And When To Repot A Sago Palm
Sagos only need repotting every one or two years. When the time comes, however, it's important to move your sago palm to a new container to ensure its healthy growth. This article will help get you started with how to repot a sago palm plant.
By Liz Baessler
Sago Palm Bonsai – Caring For Bonsai Sago Palms
Caring for bonsai sago palms is quite simple, and these plants have an interesting history. These tough plants existed back when dinosaurs still roamed and have been around for 150 million years. Learn how to care for sago palm bonsai in this article.
By Raffaele Di Lallo
Sago Palm Seed Germination – How To Grow A Sago Palm From Seed
If you’re lucky enough to have one flowering or know someone else that does, you can use the seeds from a sago palm to try your hand at growing a new plant. Click on the following article for tips on preparing sago palm seeds for planting.
By Tonya Barnett
Multi Headed Sagos: Should You Prune Sago Heads
Sago palms normally have one main stem separating out to several slender stems topped with wide sets of leaves. Occasionally, however, you will find sago with multiple heads. Learn more about this here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Fixing White Spots On Sago Palms: How To Get Rid Of White Scale On Sagos
White spots on sago palms are likely an introduced form of scale insect. To prevent the death of the cycad, you need to know how to get rid of white scale on sagos. This article can help with that.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Should You Prune Sago Palm Trees: How to Prune A Sago Palm
While sago palms can enhance nearly any landscape, unsightly yellow-brown foliage or an over-abundance of heads might leave one to wonder if you should prune sago palm. Click here to learn more.
By Heather Rhoades
Sago Palm Problems: Dealing With Common Sago Palm Pests And Disease
Sago palm is easy to grow but it does have some diseases and pests. Common problems with sago palm plants include sago palm yellowing, scale, mealybugs and root rot. Click this article to learn more about how to treat these issues.
By Karen Boness
Sago Palm Fronds: Information On Sago Palm Leaf Tips Curling
It isn't a true palm, but sago palm fronds resemble those of palm trees, and caring for a sago palm is similar to caring for a true palm. Sago palm leaf tips curling is a sign of stress and its causes can be found here.
By Jackie Carroll
Sago Palm Winter Care: How To Over Winter A Sago Plant
Winterizing sago palms in lower zones is essential if you don't want the plant to die. Learn how to accomplish this feat in the following article so you can ensure the health of your plant.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Manganese Deficiency In Sago Palms – Treating Manganese Deficiency In Sagos
Frizzle top is the name of the condition often seen in manganese deficient sagos. Manganese is a micro-nutrient found in the soil that is important to palms and sago palms. Learn how to treat this problem in the following article.
By Karen Boness
Yellow Sago Palm Fronds: Reasons For Sago Leaves Turning Yellow
If you notice your sago leaves turning yellow, the plant may be suffering from nutrient deficiencies. However, yellow sago palm fronds may also indicate other problems. Click here for information about what to do if you see sago leaves turning yellow.
By Teo Spengler
Sago Palm Problems: Tips On Treating Sago Palm Diseases
Are you wondering how to treat sago palm problems showing up on your tree? If your plant isn't looking its best, click on this article to learn the basics of identifying and treating sago palm diseases.
By Mary H. Dyer