7 Unique Bonsai Trees You Should Grow For A Stunning, One-Of-A-Kind Display

Discover unusual trees you can bonsai, including fruiting and flowering varieties, to create a breathtaking centerpiece in your home or garden.

Gardener prunes and trains bougainvillea bonsai tree
(Image credit: Getty Images)

The practice of bonsai originated in China but has become an art form in Japan over the last thousand years or more. Bonsai is the practice of growing a potted tree in miniature form. Initially, it was a practice or hobby only for the wealthy. Today, many people practice bonsai and consider it a type of meditation or quiet contemplation.

A bonsai tree is not simply a small tree in a pot. It is a tree grown in miniature that is carefully shaped by the artist to be aesthetically pleasing and to represent a scene in nature. Care for a bonsai tree is never finished. Many artists continue shaping their trees for years or decades.

Any woody plant can be used to practice bonsai, but some trees and shrubs are more commonly used: ficus, juniper, and Japanese maple, to name a few. If you’ve already practiced on one of the best bonsai trees for beginners but want to try something different, then use these ideas of unique bonsai plants for inspiration.

1. Bougainvillea

Pink flowering bougainvillea bonsai tree on concrete plinth in courtyard

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Bougainvillea is typically grown in warm climates as a vine. It makes a striking display on walls and arbors with its bold, abundant bracts that look like bright, papery flowers. Bougainvillea is a woody vine, so you can train it to grow as a bonsai tree.

To shape a bougainvillea bonsai, you need to prune it to prioritize one strong vine that will act like a trunk. Only use wire on young stems; older wood is too brittle and will break easily. To prioritize flowering, limit pruning and pinching in summer.

Your bougainvillea bonsai will need full sun and warm temperatures to grow well.

2. Crabapple

Crabapple bonsai tree on plinth

(Image credit: Alamy)

Growing a bonsai fruit tree is a fantastic way to develop this fascinating hobby. Crabapple trees are naturally small and well-suited to being pruned and shaped. They're also desirable for their white or pink spring flowers that are sweetly fragrant. A crabapple bonsai is a joy to observe all year, with its spring flowers, summer greenery and fruit, fall color, and winter bareness.

The best time to prune and train a crabapple is in late fall after the leaves have dropped. You can clearly see where the buds are and avoid cutting off too many of them. During the growing season, you can trim new shoots back, but keep shaping to a minimum. Crabapples need full sun but don’t like very hot temperatures.

3. Blueberry

Blueberry bonsai tree

(Image credit: Alamy)

Don’t limit your fruit bonsai options to trees. Woody shrubs can also be successfully shaped using the arts of bonsai. With blueberry bushes, you can enjoy both the beauty of a bonsai tree and a small annual harvest of berries.

When shaping a blueberry bush for bonsai, select one strong stem to become the “trunk.” Shape smaller stems around the leading stem to shape your tree. Never remove all of the new growth.

If growing outside, be sure to choose a type of blueberry that is suited to your USDA hardiness zone and protect it from winter’s harshest temperatures and strong winds.

4. Crepe Myrtle

Crape Myrtle bonsai tree

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

This classic and popular southern flowering tree makes a pretty and unique bonsai tree. The showy flowers are the most striking feature of crepe myrtle. It produces flowers throughout the summer in shades of pink, white, or violet. The bark is also appealing with a mottled texture.

Prune and shape your crepe myrtle at the end of summer to encourage more buds to form for the following year’s flowers. Take care when wiring crepe myrtles, as the wire can damage the attractive bark. Wrap tape around the wire before using it to shape branches.

Crepe myrtle can stay outdoors year-round in warmer climates and prefers full sun and humidity.

5. Oak

English oak bonsai tree

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Evergreens are more popular bonsai trees, but large deciduous trees such as oak trees can also make unique and attractive specimens.

Hard pruning and shaping are best done in early spring before the buds open. Cut back new shoots throughout the growing season to a pair of leaves. Don’t remove all growth. Perform heavier trimming on the top of the tree.

White oak is a great option that likes plenty of sun and doesn’t like to be crowded. It can grow outdoors in its compatible hardiness zones, but because it is in a pot as a bonsai, it can use some protection in cold weather. Overwintering indoors is a good idea.

6. Pomegranate

Pomegranate bonsai tree on plinth in garden

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

For a really unique bonsai specimen, try working on a pomegranate tree. Pomegranate has unusual and attractive flowers, and of course, will produce fruit if grown under the right conditions.

Prune and wire your pomegranate in winter when the tree is dormant. During the growing season, you can trim back new growth but do it after flowering. Pomegranate trees shape easily when the shoots are young and flexible, but are harder to shape as they get older.

Place your tree in a sunny spot and bring it indoors for winter unless you live in a very warm climate.

7. Desert Rose

Desert rose bonsai tree

(Image credit: Alamy)

Desert rose makes a very striking bonsai tree with its thick, fleshy trunk and abundance of pink flowers.

Trim and shape desert rose any time of year but avoid trimming off too much of new growth, which is where flowers grow. Pruning carefully will stimulate more growth and more flowers. Don’t apply wire too tightly to desert rose, as the fleshy stems can develop wire marks where they grow around it.

Desert rose sap is poisonous, so it’s best to wear gloves when pruning. In warm climates, you can keep this tree outside year-round. Give it a sunny to partly sunny spot and plenty of warmth.

Bonsai is an ancient art that is rewarding but requires patience. Many plants can become bonsai trees, but these unique examples will produce something truly special.

More Unusual Plant Inspiration

Mary Ellen Ellis

Mary Ellen Ellis has been gardening for over 20 years. With degrees in Chemistry and Biology, Mary Ellen's specialties are flowers, native plants, and herbs.