What Is A Green Curtain – How To Grow A Living Plant Curtain

Indoor Living Plant Curtain
green curtain
(Image credit: HildaWeges)

Vining plants have long been used to add visual interest to arbors, arches, and the sides of structures. While the concept of “green curtains” is certainly not new, the creation of living plant curtains has gained popularity in recent years. Whether looking to add color to an area, taking advantage of vertical space, create privacy between neighbors, or perhaps even lower your energy bill, there is no doubt that a green curtain garden will be a talking point among friends and guests.

What is a Green Curtain?

A green curtain is simply a curtain made of plants. These green curtain gardens can be grown in a wide range of locations: indoors, outdoors, and on small apartment balconies.

Plantings of vining plants or vegetables can be made directly into the ground outdoors or in containers. Large trellises are used vertically to create an area of shade as the vines grow. In turn, the living plant curtain adds additional enjoyment to the space and can be quite useful for cooling in regions which receive especially hot weather.

How to Plant a Green Curtain Garden

Planting green curtains will require some planning. First, you’ll need to assess space. Living plant curtains will require a quality growing medium and a location that receives full sun. Those choosing to grow in containers will need to select large pots with ample room for root growth. Drainage holes will also be a necessity, as standing water in containers may lead to the decline of plants.

Choosing the right plant type is important when growing a curtain made of plants. Though annual vining plants are very popular, those wanting to create a more permanent structure may opt for growing perennial plants. Vining or trailing houseplants work well indoors.

Transplanting vines for the green curtain will ensure a good start to the growing season. However, those on a budget may also consider starting vining plants from seeds. Quick growing annual vines are an excellent option for more immediate curtain creation.

Regardless of the plants selected, you will need to secure a strong trellis for the plants to climb. Trellis netting may be sufficient for smaller vines. However, many plants become very heavy as they grow. In many cases, strong wooden trellises may be the best option. This is especially important as trellis failure may potentially cause harm or injury. Likewise, you could construct something from which to hang multiple plants from. As they grow, the foliage will create a curtain of green.

Tonya Barnett

Tonya Barnett has been gardening for 13 years. Flowers are her passion. She has transformed her backyard into a cut flower garden, which she regularly chronicles on her YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/@tonyawiththeflowers.