If you want to learn more about vine planting and care but are not sure where to begin, look no further. Regardless of the types of vines you want to grow, info for vine plants is but a page or so away. Our vine care section includes tips for growing nearly any vine plant, from indoor vines to flowering vines in the home landscape. We’ll cover individual types of vines and their care as well as general information affecting both evergreen and flowering vine plants. Keep reading to find vine planting and care information for your particular needs.
Explore Vines
7 Invasive Vines To Avoid In Your Yard And Garden
What are some common invasive vines to avoid in your yard and garden spaces? Click here to find out.
By Susan Albert
Maypop Vine Care – Learn How To Grow Maypops In The Garden
If you are thinking of growing maypop passion vines in your backyard, you’ll want a little more information about these plants. Click on the following article for tips on how to grow maypops and information on maypop vine care.
By Teo Spengler
Potted Bougainvillea Plants: Tips For Growing Bougainvillea In Containers
Bougainvillea is a hardy tropical vine that grows in areas where winter temperatures remain warm. If you don't have growing space or live in a suitable climate, you can plant bougainvillea in a pot. This article will help.
By Mary H. Dyer
Growing Wisteria - Proper Wisteria Vine Care
While growing wisteria is easy, you should take caution with it, as it can quickly overtake everything without proper care. The following article provides tips for growing and caring for wisteria vines.
By Nikki Tilley
Asiatic Jasmine Care – Tips On Growing Asian Jasmine Vines
Asiatic jasmine is not a true jasmine, but it is a popular, fast spreading, hardy groundcover in USDA zones 7b through 10. Click this article to learn more about Asiatic jasmine care and how to grow Asiatic jasmine as a groundcover and a trailing vine.
By Liz Baessler
Care Of Angel Vines: Tips On Propagating Angel Vine Plants
The angel vine, also known as Muehlenbeckia complexa, is a long, vining plant native to New Zealand that is very popular grown on metal frames and screens. Click this article to learn more about angel vine propagation and how to care for angel vine plants.
By Liz Baessler
Jasmine Nightshade Info: Learn How To Grow A Potato Vine
The potato vine is a spreading, fast-growing vine that produces deep green foliage and a profusion of star-shaped white or blue-tinted, potato vine flowers. Interested in learning how to grow a potato vine? Click here for jasmine nightshade info and growing tips.
By Mary H. Dyer
Schisandra Information – How To Grow Schisandra Magnolia Vines
Schisandra, sometimes also called Schizandra and magnolia vine, is a hardy perennial that produces fragrant flowers and tasty, health-promoting berries. Click this article to learn more about magnolia vine care and how to grow Schisandra in the garden.
By Liz Baessler
Growing Morning Glories From Seed: A Guide To Planting Morning Glory Seeds
By Laura Miller
Transplanting Honeysuckles: How To Transplant A Honeysuckle Vine Or Shrub
Even the most attractive plants must be moved around in the garden sometimes. Whether you have a vine or a shrub, transplanting honeysuckles isn't too hard, as long as you know what you are doing. The information in this article will help get you started.
By Teo Spengler
Canary Vine Seed Propagation – Germinating And Growing Canary Vine Seeds
The canary vine is a beautiful annual that produces lots of bright yellow flowers and is often grown for its vibrant color. It is virtually always grown from seed. If you would like to learn more about canary vine seed propagation, this article will help.
By Liz Baessler
Cat’s Claw Plant Care: How To Grow Cat’s Claw Vines
Cat's claw is a prolific, fast-growing vine that produces tons of bright, vibrant flowers. It spreads quickly and is considered invasive in some places, but if you treat it right, it can have a big payoff. Learn more about how to grow cat's claw vines here.
By Liz Baessler
Moonflower Seed Harvesting: Collecting Moonflower Seed Pods For Growing
Propagating moonflower vine seeds is the only way to replicate the vines, as vegetative reproduction is not viable. Learn when and how to harvest and plant moonflower seeds in the article that follows to continually grow this plant in your garden.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Bougainvillea Winter Care: What To Do With A Bougainvillea In Winter
In warm regions, bougainvillea blooms almost year-round and thrives outdoors. However, northern gardeners will have a bit more work to keep this plant alive and happy during winter. This article will help with tips on providing good bougainvillea winter care.
By Bonnie L. Grant
How To Grow Wisteria Seeds: Growing Wisteria From Seed Pods
Wisteria has become a popular climbing vine for trellises, patio overhangs, fences, and more. Click here to learn about wisteria seeds.
By Gardening Know How
Vines To Use In The Landscape
Growing vines is a great way to use vertical space and increase appeal, especially with little or no space. Get tips on planting vines in this article.
By Nikki Tilley
Hummingbirds And Trumpet Vines – Attracting Hummingbirds With Trumpet Vines
It's no mystery why trumpet vine is sometimes known as hummingbird vine, as hummingbirds and trumpet vine are an irresistible combination of nonstop color and movement. Learn more about the two in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer