If you want to learn more about vine planting and care but are not sure where to begin, look no further. Regardless of the types of vines you want to grow, info for vine plants is but a page or so away. Our vine care section includes tips for growing nearly any vine plant, from indoor vines to flowering vines in the home landscape. We’ll cover individual types of vines and their care as well as general information affecting both evergreen and flowering vine plants. Keep reading to find vine planting and care information for your particular needs.
Explore Vines
Dutchman's Pipe Info: Learn About Growing And Caring For Pipe Vines
If you are looking for a striking plant, try a Dutchman?s pipe. The plant is a woody vine that produces flowers shaped like curved pipes and large heart-shaped leaves. Read this article for more information.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Information On Dutchman's Pipe Pruning And When To Prune Dutchman's Pipe Vine
The dutchman's pipe plant can be pruned anytime you want to get rid of too many new shoots or old wood. There are also specific times of year to prune, however. This article can help with that.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Aristolochia And Butterflies: Does Dutchman’s Pipe Harm Butterflies
Dutchman’s pipe is a vigorous climbing vine. It has many beneficial uses in the garden, but does it harm butterflies? Dutchman’s pipe butterfly toxicity actually depends on the variety. Click here to find out more.
By Amy Grant
Clematis Vines For Spring - Types Of Spring Flowering Clematis
Tough and easy to grow, spectacular spring-blooming clematis is native to the extreme climates of northeastern China and Siberia. This durable plant survives temperatures in punishing climates as low as USDA plant hardiness zone 3. Click here for more.
By Mary H. Dyer
Is Chocolate Vine Invasive: Getting Rid Of Chocolate Vine In Gardens
Growing chocolate vines in gardens can be a problem and getting rid of chocolate vines is a bigger one. Is chocolate vine invasive? Yes, it is a very invasive plant. Click this article for information about how to control chocolate vines in your backyard or garden.
By Teo Spengler
Aristolochia Pipevine Plants: Is Growing Darth Vader Flowers Possible
While the Internet abounds with pictures and colorful photos of Aristolochia pipevine plants, most people will never have an opportunity to see this rare plant in its natural environment. Learn more about the plant in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
Wisteria Root System Information – How Big Do Wisteria Roots Grow
Wisteria roots are just as aggressive as their vines. Careful planning before you plant is critical.
By Teo Spengler
What Is A Coral Vine – How To Grow Coral Vines In The Garden
Coral vines can be pretty additions to the landscape in suitable locations, but there are some things you should consider beforehand if you?re interested in growing them. Click this article to learn how to grow coral vines (and when you shouldn?t).
By Mary H. Dyer
Climbing Hydrangea Pruning – How To Prune Climbing Hydrangea Vines
Climbing hydrangea is a spectacular plant, but it has a rambunctious nature and can get easily get out of control if you aren't careful. Pruning climbing hydrangeas isn't difficult and will keep the vines looking their best. Learn about climbing hydrangea pruning here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Bougainvillea Blooms Are Falling Off: Reasons For Bougainvillea Flower Drop
If your bougainvillea blooms are falling off, the odds are that the plant is not getting one of these critical elements: sun and water. Blossoms also suffer from frost. Learn more details about why flowers drop off bougainvillea plants in this article.
By Teo Spengler
Passion Fruit Is Rotting: Why Does Passion Fruit Rot On Plant
Although the passion vine is relatively easy to grow, it is prone to a number of problems, including rotten passion fruit. Click on this article to learn about passion flower fruit rot and why your passion fruit is rotting.
By Mary H. Dyer
Chalice Vine Pruning: When To Prune Chalice Vines
Chalice vines are heavy, and you may need to consider chalice vine pruning if your trellis appears overwhelmed. How to cut back a chalice vine? When to prune chalice vines? For all the information you need about pruning chalice vines, click here.
By Teo Spengler
Creating Bougainvillea Bonsai Plants: How To Make A Bougainvillea Bonsai Tree
Meet bonsai bougainvillea plants, bite-sized versions of this mighty vine that you can keep in your living room. Can you make a bonsai out of bougainvillea? You can. Click here for info on how to make a bougainvillea bonsai and tips on bonsai bougainvillea care.
By Teo Spengler
Container Grown Thunbergia: Growing A Black Eyed Susan Vine In A Pot
Although it isn’t related to the familiar black-eyed susan, the orange or bright yellow blooms of black eyed susan vine are somewhat similar. Interested in container-grown Thunbergia? Growing black eyed susan vine in a pot couldn’t be easier. Learn more here.
By Mary H. Dyer
American Bittersweet Vine: Tips For Growing Bittersweet Plants
Bittersweet vines are North American native plants that thrive throughout most of the U.S. Find out how to grow them in the home landscape by reading the article that follows.
By Jackie Carroll
Autumn Revolution Bittersweet Info: Learn About American Autumn Revolution Care
For fall and winter gardens, we sometimes have to look for interest besides blooms. One such plant that can add splashes of color is American Revolution bittersweet vine, more commonly referred to as Autumn Revolution. Click on this article for more info.
By Darcy Larum
American Bittersweet Propagation: How To Grow Bittersweet From Seed Or Cuttings
If one bittersweet vine isn't enough for your garden, you can propagate it and grow more. You can either start growing bittersweet cuttings or plant bittersweet seeds. If you are interested in propagating American bittersweet vines, click here for tips.
By Teo Spengler