If you want to learn more about vine planting and care but are not sure where to begin, look no further. Regardless of the types of vines you want to grow, info for vine plants is but a page or so away. Our vine care section includes tips for growing nearly any vine plant, from indoor vines to flowering vines in the home landscape. We’ll cover individual types of vines and their care as well as general information affecting both evergreen and flowering vine plants. Keep reading to find vine planting and care information for your particular needs.
Explore Vines
Boston Ivy On Walls: Will Boston Ivy Vines Damage Walls
Boston ivy growing up brick surfaces lends a lush, peaceful feeling to the environment but should you plant it on or near walls? This article has tips for growing Boston ivy plants on walls, so consider carefully before planting Boston ivy in your garden.
By Mary H. Dyer
History Of Morning Glories
By Darcy Larum
History Of Passionflowers
By Mary H. Dyer
Mexican Flame Flower Info: Tips On Caring For Mexican Flame Vines
Growing Mexican flame vines gives the gardener a burst of bright orange color in sunny areas of the garden. Easy to grow and propagate, caring for Mexican flame vines is simple. Find out more in this article.
By Becca Badgett
Growing Licorice Plants: Learn How To Grow A Licorice Plant In Containers
Growing licorice plants offers an interesting cascade in the container garden, a trailing mass of gray foliage. Care of Helichrysum licorice is simple in the garden too, and this article will help.
By Becca Badgett
Climbing Hydrangea Won’t Bloom – When Does Climbing Hydrangea Bloom
Climbing hydrangeas have charming lacecap flowerheads made up of a disc of tiny, tightly packed flowers surrounded by a ring of larger blossoms. This article explains what to do when your climbing hydrangea fails to bloom. Click here to learn more.
By Jackie Carroll
Chinese Trumpet Creeper Vines: Learn About Trumpet Creeper Plant Care
Not to be confused with aggressive and often invasive American trumpet vine, Chinese trumpet creeper plants are prodigious bloomers and growers. Interested in growing Chinese trumpet vines? For more Chinese trumpet creeper info and plant care, click here.
By Amy Grant
Chinese Dregea Information: What Is Chinese Dregea
When you are tired of planting overused garden vines like jasmine, try taking a look at something different, like Chinese dregea plants. What is Chinese dregea? It's an Asian climbing vine with evergreen foliage and fragrant, white flowers. Learn more here.
By Teo Spengler
What Is Rosary Pea – Should You Grow Rosary Pea Plants
Rosary pea once enjoyed popularity as an attractive vine with pea-like, lavender blooms. In some regions, it is now a nuisance plant. Learn more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
What Are Deciduous Vines: Growing Deciduous Vine Varieties In Gardens
Deciduous vine care may be a bit more difficult than hardy evergreens but will be worth it when they come back in spring. Click here for more info.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Firecracker Vine Plant - How To Care For Firecracker Vines
Firecracker vine plant is a summer to fall flowering plant with brilliant red blooms that somewhat resemble a firecracker. Learn how to grow the vine here.
By Becca Badgett
Growing Yuca Vines – How To Care For Yellow Morning Glory Yuca
Choosing the right vine for the flower garden can be challenging. Those with extended periods of high temperatures and drought may find the task of choosing vines even more difficult. The yellow morning glory yuca, however, is just one option. Learn more here.
By Tonya Barnett
Bad Smelling Wisteria: Why Does My Wisteria Smell Bad
Wisteria is notable for its lovely blooms. What if you have a bad-smelling wisteria though? As bizarre as a smelly wisteria sounds, it isn’t uncommon. So why do you have a bad-smelling wisteria? Click on the following article to find out more.
By Amy Grant
Dutchman’s Pipe Varieties: How To Grow Giant Dutchman’s Pipe Flowers
Interested in learning how to grow giant Dutchman’s pipe vine? It’s surprisingly easy. Click here for more information on Giant dutchman’s pipe plant. You’ll also find out information on alternative varieties to protect butterflies in the area.
By Mary H. Dyer
Bougainvillea Pruning: When Should I Prune A Bougainvillea
Whether grown as an indoor or outdoor tropical vine, pruning a bougainvillea may seem like a daunting task, especially if you have the more common thorny types. Click on the article that follows to learn how to prune bougainvillea.
By Darcy Larum
Common Wind Resistant Vines: Learn About Windy Garden Vines
If you’ve always dreamt of a vine-covered arbor redolent with blooms but live in an area with significant winds and didn’t think there were any suitable vines for windy locations, this is the article for you. Click here to find out about windy garden vines.
By Amy Grant
Indian Clock Vine Plant Info – Learn How To Grow Indian Clock Vines
Native to India, the Indian clock vine plant isn’t easy to grow in climates that are too cold or dry, but it does make a lovely, flowering evergreen vine in warm, tropical areas. For more information about Indian clock vine growing, click the following article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis