Trumpet Vine
Trumpet vine plants are great for attracting hummingbirds to the garden. So how do you grow trumpet vines? Use the information that follows to learn all about trumpet vine care, including how to handle common problems along the way, such as when they become out of control. The right knowledge can alleviate issues, making it easier to enjoy these attractive vines.
Trumpet Vines In Pots: Learn About Growing Vines In Containers
Trumpet vine is a huge, prolific vine that produces deep, trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of yellow to red. It's a big and fast grower, so growing it in a pot is a good way to keep it somewhat in check. Learn how to grow trumpet vine in a container here.
By Liz Baessler
Trumpet Vine Feeding: Learn When And How To Fertilize Trumpet Vines
Although both trumpet vine and crossvine are easy to grow, you will need to understand when and how to fertilize them for the best results. Click this article for information about how and when to fertilize a trumpet vine.
By Teo Spengler
Transplanting Trumpet Vines: Tips On Moving A Trumpet Vine
It is important to transplant rooted trumpet vine cuttings at the correct time to give them the best chance of survival. Likewise, if moving a trumpet vine that is mature, timing is important. Click here for information on how to transplant a trumpet vine.
By Teo Spengler
Chinese Trumpet Creeper Vines: Learn About Trumpet Creeper Plant Care
Not to be confused with aggressive and often invasive American trumpet vine, Chinese trumpet creeper plants are prodigious bloomers and growers. Interested in growing Chinese trumpet vines? For more Chinese trumpet creeper info and plant care, click here.
By Amy Grant
Campsis Tree Damage – How To Remove Trumpet Vines From Trees
Invasive trumpet vines can quickly spread through underground runners, making them extremely difficult to control and to maintain. Removing the vines from trees is often a common issue for home gardeners. Learn more about removing trumpet vine on trees here.
By Tonya Barnett
Trumpet Vine No Blooms: How To Force A Trumpet Vine To Flower
Trumpet vines that do not bloom are a frustrating and all too frequent problem. While there are no guarantees that you'll get your trumpet vine blooming, the following tips from this article may help.
By Becca Badgett
Tips For Propagating Trumpet Vine Plants
Whether you?re already growing trumpet vine in the garden or you?re thinking about starting trumpet vines for the first time, knowing how to propagate these plants certainly helps. This article will explain how.
By Nikki Tilley
Tips To Get Rid Of Trumpet Vine In The Garden
In many areas of the country, trumpet vines are considered invasive and killing them can be difficult. But with a little help from this article, you can get rid of trumpet vine or even just contain it to a small area.
By Heather Rhoades
Trumpet Vine Plant: How To Grow Trumpet Vine
Trumpet vine is a fast-growing perennial vine. Growing trumpet vine creepers is really easy and, with adequate care and pruning, they can be kept under control. Read here to learn more.
By Nikki Tilley
Trumpet Vine Bud Drop: My Trumpet Vine Is Dropping Buds
Trumpet vine bud drop is rare but may indicate that the plant is stressed or it doesn't like its location. Usually some good cultivation practices and TLC will have the vine rallying by the next season. Learn more in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Trumpet Creeper Ground Cover: Can Trumpet Vine Be Used As Ground Cover
Trumpet creeper vines climb and cover trellises, walls, arbors and fences. How about the bare ground? Can trumpet vine be used as ground cover? Yes, it can. Click this article for information about trumpet creeper ground cover.
By Teo Spengler
Watering A Trumpet Vine: How Much Water Does A Trumpet Vine Need
Though care is easy, it's not completely hands-free. Trumpet vines do have certain watering needs you'll need to take care of if you want a happy, healthy plant. Learn more about trumpet vine water requirements in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Trumpet Vine Types: Common Varieties Of Trumpet Vine Plant
There are a few varieties of trumpet vine, so even if you know you want to take the plunge by growing them in your garden, there are still decisions to be made. Click here to learn about the different types of trumpet vines and the one that's right for you.
By Liz Baessler
Pruning Trumpet Vines: Learn When And How To Prune A Trumpet Vine
Tough and beautiful, trumpet vines rise to 13 feet (4 m.), scaling trellises or walls using their aerial roots. Pruning trumpet vines is critical to establish a strong framework for the plant. Click here to learn how to prune a trumpet vine.
By Teo Spengler
Trumpet Vine Winter Care: Caring For Trumpet Vine In Winter
The bright scarlet, trumpet-shaped blossoms of trumpet vines are beloved by both gardeners and hummingbirds. The vines die back in winter to grow again the next spring. Click here for information on trumpet vine care in winter.
By Teo Spengler
Trumpet Vine Root Damage: How Deep Are Trumpet Vine Roots
Trumpet vines are beautiful, sprawling plants that can spectacularly light up a wall or a fence. Unfortunately, it?s fast spreading and considered invasive, due to the extensive trumpet vine root system. Learn about trumpet vine root damage here.
By Liz Baessler
Problems With Trumpet Vines – Why Is My Trumpet Vine Losing Leaves
Why is my trumpet vine losing leaves or turning yellow? A few yellowing leaves are perfectly normal. However, if your trumpet vine leaf problems are severe and falling off, a little troubleshooting is in order. This article will help.
By Mary H. Dyer