Environmental Problems
Cultural plant problems and various types of environmental issues are inevitable, regardless of how well you care for your garden. So what is a gardener to do? The first step to solving gardening issues caused by environmental problems in gardens is to do your research. The pages that follow will help with that. With information for dealing with types of environmental issues like contaminated soil, floods, heat waves or cold spells, you’re sure to find something that relates to the particular needs of your garden. So keep reading to learn more.
Environmental Problems
What Is Desiccation: Learn About Desiccation In Plants
Winter winds blow hard everywhere, but your landscape may feel the pain long before you do. If your landscape plants are emerging from the winter with brown leaves, they're probably suffering from desiccation. Find out what it is and how to deal with it in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
How To Tell If A Plant Is Dead And How To Recover An Almost Dead Plant
How do you tell if a plant is dead? While this may seem like an easy question to answer, the truth is that telling if a plant is truly dead can be a difficult task sometimes. Find out more in this article.
By Heather Rhoades
Protecting Plants In Severe Weather – Learn About Thunderstorm Plant Damage
Lightning strikes off in the distance, for a brief moment lighting up your view, showing you all the destruction you will have to deal with once the storm passes - downed limbs or trees, pots blown away, plants flattened, etc. Learn how to protect plants from thunderstorms here.
By Darcy Larum
How To Prevent Trees Exploding From Cold This Winter
Extreme cold can cause the bark on some trees to explode. Click to learn why this happens, and what you can do about it.
By Teo Spengler
How To Predict Frost And Protect Your Garden
Learn frosty weather forecasting tips and how to predict frost so you can protect your garden veggies from harm.
By Laura Miller
What Is Lake Effect Snow And How Does It Impact Gardens?
What is lake effect snow and how does it impact gardens? Click here to find out.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Warning Signs Plants Are Too Cold... And When It’s Too Late
It’s important to know the symptoms of cold and frost damaged plants to protect and recover those affected. Click here to learn more.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Brick Edging Frost Heave Issues – How To Stop Brick Heaving In The Garden
While brick is relatively easy to install, your hard work will be lost if brick edging frost heave pushes the bricks out of the ground. Click on the following article for tips on how to stop brick heaving from happening.
By Mary H. Dyer
Plants Toxic To Turtles – Learn About Plants Turtles Should Not Eat
Whether wildlife rehabilitators, pet owners, or even gardeners, it's necessary to be aware of plants toxic to turtles and tortoises. This article will help.
By Susan Albert
How To Diagnose And Prevent Splitting Fruit
It's not unusual to see cracks in apples or tomatoes. Read on to find out what causes fruit to crack. It’s probably not your fault.
By Teo Spengler
What Is Acid Rain: Tips For Safeguarding Plants From Acid Rain Damage
The effects of acid rain on plant growth can be dramatic. If you live in an acid rain-prone area, read this article to learn about safeguarding plants from acid rain damage. Click here to get more information.
By Kristi Waterworth
What Are Parasitic Plants: Learn About Parasitic Plant Damage
Mistletoe actually is one of many different types of parasitic plants out there. Given that there are over 4,000 species of parasitic plants in existence, you will need some parasitic plant info to help you make sense of it all. Learn more about parasitic plants here.
By Shelley Pierce
Holoparasitic Information – Learn About Holoparasitic Plants In Gardens
If a plant is growing on or near another, it's generally assumed they're simply compatible, and not that one is drawing vital nutrients from the other. Learn more about holoparasitic plants in this article so you can better distinguish plant friend from foe.
By Kristi Waterworth
What Is A Hemiparasitic Plant – Examples Of Hemiparasitic Plants
There are lots of plants in the garden that we devote almost no thought to. For example, parasitic plants exist in a wide range of conditions and they're rarely discussed. This article is about hemiparasitic plants and the damage they can do to your landscape or garden.
By Kristi Waterworth
What Is A Blind Plant: Learn Why Some Plants Fail To Bloom
Non-blooming of plants that should bloom is the actual definition of plant blindness. The reason some plants fail to bloom can be caused by many situations. Read here to discover the answers and causes of this disappointing bloom issue.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Excessive Rain On Plants: How To Garden In Wet Ground
Wet weather and plants are usually a match made in heaven. However, sometimes this can be too much of a good thing. Learn more about what happens when there is too much rain on plants in this article and what, if anything, can be done.
By Amy Grant
Leaves Dry And Paper Like: Reasons Plant Leaves Are Papery Looking
If you see papery leaves on plants, or if you've noticed papery spots on leaves, you have a mystery on your hands. However, there are several possible causes when leaves are papery looking and brittle. Click here for tips to unravel this conundrum.
By Mary H. Dyer