Most people think of pests in the garden as only being insects. Well, there are a number of animals that can become a pest too, chomping away or trampling on all your prized plants. We can help with this problem though. Here you will find many of these animal pests and how to go about getting rid of them, or at least try to repel them safely.
Birds Eating Sunflower Leaves In The Garden
Mysterious damage to your sunflowers’ leaves could be from hungry lesser goldfinches. Learn why.
By Susan Albert
Deer Resistant Garden Plans – Creating A Deer Resistant Garden
Deer are lovely to watch but not when they are stomping all over your vegetable garden or eating the tops off of your bulbs. Creating a deer resistant garden is a must for any gardener who suffers from these grazing marauders. Learn more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Natural Homemade Dog Repellents
Dogs are a very popular house pet but they are not always the best things for our garden. There are many natural and organic methods to keep them under control though. Take a look at a few in this article.
By Heather Rhoades
Raccoon Repellent - How To Get Rid Of Raccoons And Keep Them Away
Got raccoons? These cute, but mischievous, critters can wreak havoc around your home and garden, especially in high numbers. But learning how to keep raccoons away is possible with this article.
By Nikki Tilley
Learn About Beaver Repellent - Beaver Control Information
When beaver activity gets out of hand, there are several control methods you can pursue - from preventive measures to fencing and physical removal. Learn about these in the following article.
By Nikki Tilley
How To Keep Iguanas Out Of Garden
To those who live in cooler places, iguana control may seem like a trivial problem. But, if you live in a place where iguanas roam freely, the question of how to get rid of iguanas is a big one. This article will help.
By Heather Rhoades
How To Keep A Bear Out Of The Garden
For those of you living in rural areas, chances are that you may on occasion have encountered a bear or two. Learning how to keep bears away is important. This article will help with that.
By Nikki Tilley
Getting Rid Of Groundhogs - Groundhog Deterrents And Repellents
Groundhogs are known for their extensive burrowing. These animals may be cute and cuddly looking but when they wander into our gardens, they can quickly wreak havoc on plants and crops. Get help for that here.
By Nikki Tilley
Deer Droppings On Plants: Is Fertilizing With Deer Manure Safe
Whether you love or hate deer, or have a more complicated relationship with them, there is one important question to answer: Can you use deer manure in gardens? Click on the following article to find out more about fertilizing with deer manure.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
How To Protect Trees From Deer
Deer damage to trees is most often the result of males rubbing and scraping their antlers against the tree, causing significant damage. Learn how to protect your trees from deer damage in this article.
By Nikki Tilley
Wild Turkey Control: Managing Wild Turkey Pests In Gardens
Living with wildlife is a delicate balance of give and take, but when wild turkeys are doing a lot more taking from your garden than giving, it may be time to send them packing. Read this article and we'll tell you how.
By Kristi Waterworth
Burrowing Crawfish Problems: Getting Rid of Crayfish In The Garden
Crawfish are a seasonal problem in some regions. They tend to make burrows in lawns during the rainy season, which can be unsightly and damage mowing equipment. Getting rid of crawfish is not that easy. Try these tips for removing crayfish in the garden.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Damage Caused By Kangaroos – How To Keep Kangaroos Out Of My Garden
Kangaroo plant damage is an issue that, as yet, does not have a catch-all solution. There are some known ways to deter kangaroos, however. Click here for information on how to keep kangaroos away and prevent damage caused by kangaroos.
By Liz Baessler
Eliminate Rats In Gardens - Control Tips And Deterrents For Rats In Gardens
Rats are clever animals. Because they are experts at hiding, you may not see rats in the garden, so it?s important to learn how to recognize signs of their presence. This article will help with that.
By Jackie Carroll
Stop Armadillos In The Garden - Getting Rid Of Armadillos
Armadillo control has become a concern throughout the southwest and beyond. Before you ask about how to get rid of armadillos, you need to know a little about them. This article will help.
By Jackie Rhoades
Do Squirrels Harm Trees: How To Minimize Squirrel Tree Damage
Why do squirrels dig holes in trees? Good question! Squirrels sometimes gnaw trees, usually where bark is rotten or a dead branch has fallen from the tree, to get to the sweet sap just below the bark. Let's take a closer look in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
Deer Proof Gardening: What Vegetables Are Deer Resistant
The best defense is a good offense. In deer proof gardening, plants that smell offensive to deer can deter them from their favorite edibles. Planting a garden with edible plants deer don't eat is also a defense. Click here for fruits and vegetables deer won't eat.
By Darcy Larum