Most people think of pests in the garden as only being insects. Well, there are a number of animals that can become a pest too, chomping away or trampling on all your prized plants. We can help with this problem though. Here you will find many of these animal pests and how to go about getting rid of them, or at least try to repel them safely.
Ways To Get Rid Of A Skunk In The Garden
Knowing how to get rid of skunks is no easy thing, but it's not impossible. This article takes a look at the ways to get rid of a skunk in your garden so you won't have a stinky mess to contend with.
By Heather Rhoades
Bulbs Deer Hate: Flower Bulbs That Deter Deer
While no plant is perfectly safe from deer if they're starving, there are some bulbs deer hate to eat and will only consume in the most desperate conditions. Learn what those are in this article.
By Anne Baley
Potted Plant Protection: Tips On Protecting Container Plants From Animals
No matter where you are, pests of one kind or another are a constant threat. Even containers, which feel like they ought to be safe, can easily fall prey to hungry critters. Learn more about how to protect potted plants from animals in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Antelope Eating Plants: Learn How To Deter Pronghorn From Gardens
American pronghorn, which is closely related to the antelope and goats, are pests in many gardens. Antelope control requires a (forgive the pun) 4-pronged assault, careful planning and vigilance. This article should help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Plants Rabbits Don't Like: Common Rabbit Proof Plants
They may be furry and cute and their antics fun to watch, but rabbits lose their appeal when they wreak havoc in the garden by chewing up your plants. Selecting rabbit resistant plants isn?t a sure-fire solution, but tips from this article will help.
By Mary H. Dyer
Deterring Badgers: How To Get Rid Of Badgers In The Garden
Badger damage can be annoying and visually distressing but rarely causes permanent effects. Generally, badgers in the garden are not a problem during winter and fall. That said, this article will help with how to get rid of badgers and minimize problems.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Cat Repellent: How To Keep Cats Out Of The Yard
Cats respond differently to repellents. This article will look at cat repellents and how to keep cats out of the yard - hopefully preventing them from using garden soil as a toilet in the process.
By Nikki Tilley
Roses And Deer – Do Deer Eat Rose Plants And How To Save Them
Deer do indeed love the beautiful, succulent growth they find in those meadows and valleys, but they cannot resist a rose garden if there is one close by. Learn how to fix deer damage and prevent more in this article. Click here for more info.
By Stan V. Griep
Natural Bird Repellents: Controlling Birds In The Garden
Besides just growing plants, many gardeners like to encourage insects and birds to wander into the garden. But some bird species are annoying or damaging. Read here for ideas to keep them under control.
By Kristi Waterworth
Woodpecker Tree Damage: Preventing And Repairing Woodpecker Damage
Woodpecker damage to trees can be a serious problem. Because of this it is important to stop woodpecker damage before it hurts or kills beloved trees in your yard. This article will help with that.
By Heather Rhoades
Deer Rubbing Tree Bark: Protecting Trees From Deer Rubs
Deer are majestic creatures when they're bounding through open fields and frolicking in someone else's woods. When they come into your yard and start damaging trees, they become something else entirely. Learn more in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
Protecting Plants From Dogs: Keeping Dogs Away From Garden Plants
Dogs may trample down plants and break stems, they may dig up plants, and they just might decide that your prize peony is their favorite potty spot. Keeping dogs away from garden plants can seem like a never-ending battle. Learn more here.
By Darcy Larum