Insect pests in the garden can be a nightmare, especially when they're seeking out your plants as an appetizer or breeding ground. The following articles provide information on some of the most common of these problematic insects and what you can do to both prevent and rid them of your garden plots. Read on to learn more.
Katydid Facts: Managing Katydids In The Garden
Generally, katydids in the garden nibble leaves but do not do serious garden damage. You'll need to get a few more katydid facts to determine whether to try to get rid of them. This article provides more information about katydids.
By Teo Spengler
Fig Beetle Facts – Control Of Fig Beetles In The Garden
Also known as figeater beetles or green June beetles, fig beetles are large, metallic green beetles that dine on corn, flower petals, nectar and soft-skinned fruits. Figeater beetles can cause extensive injury in home lawns and gardens. Learn about their control here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Tortoise Beetle Control: Learn How To Get Rid Of Tortoise Beetles
Tortoise beetles are small, oval, turtle-shaped beetles that survive by chewing their way through the foliage of various plants. Click on this article for more information and tips on tortoise beetle control.
By Mary H. Dyer
Bugs In The Garden: The Most Common Garden Pests To Look Out For
There are probably hundreds of insects that plague our gardens daily, but the most common plant pests seem to do the most damage. Once you recognize these bugs, you can start taking steps to protect your plants with effective control. This article will get you started.
By Bonnie L. Grant
DIY Wasp Trap Info: Do Homemade Wasp Traps Work
Homemade wasp trap instructions abound on the internet or you can also purchase ready-made versions. These easy-to-assemble traps simply catch the wasps and drown them. Learn how to make a homemade wasp trap in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Black Vine Weevil Control: Getting Rid Of Black Vine Weevils
Gardening is all fun and games until the insects show up to spoil your landscape. Find out how to manage a common beetle pest, the black vine weevil, in this informative article. Click here to learn more these insects and their control.
By Kristi Waterworth
Blossom Midge In Plants: How To Control Midge Pests In Flower Buds
Midges are tiny flies that have a big impact on your garden plants. They are destructive insects that can prevent flowers from blooming and form unsightly knots on plant stems and leaves. Read here for information on blossom midge control.
By Jackie Carroll
Getting Rid of Chiggers: Tips For Controlling Chigger Bugs In The Garden
Invisible and evil, chiggers can make the summer unbearable with the itching they cause, especially when you're out in the garden. Learn how to manage chiggers and deal with their bites in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
Removing Earwigs From The Garden
Earwigs aren't as scary as they look, but they will eat your flowers. Find them hiding in their favorite environments to deal with them.
By Heather Rhoades
What Are Wool Sower Galls – What To Do About Wool Sower Wasp Galls
Have you noticed what looks like a cotton ball with pink spots on an oak tree in your yard? This is a wool sower gall and you can click here to learn more.
By Becca Badgett
Make An Earwig Hotel: DIY Flowerpot Earwig Trap
Earwigs are fascinating and necessary creatures but can also be a nuisance insect. Learn how to make an earwig trap in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Garden Phlox Bugs – How To Kill Phlox Bugs In The Garden
Sweet smelling phlox can attract many visitors to the garden, human and insect alike. Click here and learn how to recognize phlox plant bugs.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Fruit Maggot Info – Where Do Fruit Maggots Come From
There’s nothing as disgusting as picking fresh fruit only to bite into it and discover a worm! Learn about fruit maggots and prevention here.
By Amy Grant
What Bug Is This – Basic Tips On Identifying Garden Pests
Experts have estimated that there are up to 30 million species of insects living on the planet. With so many, it’s no wonder identifying garden pests is not always an easy task. To learn a few methods of identifying garden pests, click here.
By Teo Spengler
Managing Mealybugs Outside: Tips For Outdoor Mealybug Control
The leaves on your outside plants are covered with black speckles and spots. Upon closer inspection, you find tufts of cottony material and segmented waxy bugs. Congratulations, you've discovered mealybugs in the garden. Learn how to control them here.
By Laura Miller
Spanworm Control: Tips For Getting Rid Of Spanworms In Gardens
Large, irregular rips and tears in the foliage? You may be seeing spanworm damage. “What are spanworms and how do I go about getting rid of spanworms before they strike again?” Learn more about spanworms, their sneaky habits, and spanworm control here.
By Becca Badgett
Fungus Gnat Vs. Shore Fly: How To Tell Fungus Gnats And Shore Flies Apart
Although they are often found flitting around in the same area, are there differences between the shore fly and fungus gnat or are shore flies and fungus gnats the same? If different, how do you tell fungus gnats and shore flies apart? Find the answers in this article.
By Amy Grant