Insect pests in the garden can be a nightmare, especially when they're seeking out your plants as an appetizer or breeding ground. The following articles provide information on some of the most common of these problematic insects and what you can do to both prevent and rid them of your garden plots. Read on to learn more.
Gardening Down South: How To Manage Pests In Southern Regions
Managing pests in the south requires vigilance and recognizing good bugs from bad bugs. By keeping an eye on your plants and vegetables, you can catch problems before they become a full-blown infestation. Click here for tips on how to manage pests in southern regions.
By Susan Albert
What Are Blister Mites: Recognizing Blister Mite Damage
For home fruit growers, blister mite damage is usually cosmetic, but problems for commercial fruit growers can be significant. Click on the following article for more information and learn how to control blister mites in your garden.
By Mary H. Dyer
Are All Nematodes Bad – A Guide To Harmful Nematodes
One square foot of soil in your garden probably has one million of nematode worms. As a gardener, it is important to know which nematodes are bad for plants and cause damage. Most are not only harmless but actually helpful. Learn which are bad in this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Lesion Nematode Information: What Are Root Lesion Nematodes
Many types of nematodes are beneficial for gardeners, helping to process and decompose plant matter for healthy plant growth. Unfortunately, root lesion nematodes are anything but helpful. Learn how to prevent lesion nematodes in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
Hessian Fly Pests – Learn How To Kill Hessian Flies
When adding new crops, it is important that growers familiarize themselves with any possible or preventable issues that may be common. This is especially true with grain crops and their susceptibility to hessian fly infestations. Click here for info on hessian fly management.
By Tonya Barnett
Toilet Paper Rolls As Pest Control – How To Stop Pests With Toilet Paper Rolls
You can have fun if you use toilet paper rolls as pest control in the garden. How to stop pests with toilet paper rolls? It’s ingenious but simple. Click here for all you need to know about cardboard tube pest control, including protecting plants with toilet paper rolls.
By Teo Spengler
Garden Roach Control – Learn How To Kill Cockroaches In Your Garden
You are just as likely to find roaches in the garden as indoors. Outdoor roach problems can soon become indoor roach problems, which means that garden roach control should be a priority. Learn how to kill cockroaches in the garden with info from this article.
By Amy Grant
Biting Midge Info: How To Stop No-See-Um Insects
Have you ever had the sensation something is biting you but when you look, nothing is apparent? This may be the result of no-see-ums. What are no-see-ums? Click this article for important biting midge info, including tips on controlling no-see-um pests.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Shore Fly Control – Learn How To Get Rid Of Shore Flies
While they feed on algae rather than the crops, growers and gardeners battle shore flies aggressively. If you want to know more about shore fly damage, click here. We’ll give you information on shore fly control and tips on how to get rid of shore flies.
By Teo Spengler
Tips For How To Kill Grasshoppers - How To Control Grasshoppers
In excessive numbers grasshoppers can be a gardener?s nightmare, especially in rural areas. While high infestations can be difficult to eradicate, the information from this article will help.
By Nikki Tilley
What Are Blister Beetles: Is Blister Beetle A Pest Or Beneficial
When you kill a blister beetle by crushing it against your skin, a poison in the beetle's body causes a painful blister. The blisters are only the beginning of the many problems that these insects cause. In this article, you'll learn about blister beetle control.
By Jackie Carroll
Fire Ant Control In Gardens: Tips For Controlling Fire Ants Safely
Between medical costs, property damage, and the cost of insecticides to treat fire ants, these tiny insects cost Americans more than 6 billion dollars each year. Find out how to control fire ants in this article. Click here for more information.
By Jackie Carroll
What Are Coccid Scales – Learn About Coccid Scale Control On Plants
Diaspididae scale is commonly known as hard scale and is a more host-specific insect. Coccid scale is commonly known as soft scale and is more widespread. As it is the more common scale, this article will discuss soft scale on plants and coccid scale control.
By Darcy Larum
What Are Navel Orangeworms: Controlling Navel Orangeworms On Nuts
Navel orangeworms on nut crops can be devastating. Read the following article to learn more about this pest and its treatment so you can breathe a little easier and harvest a little more.
By Kristi Waterworth
Blaniulus Guttulatus Millipede Info – Learn About Spotted Snake Millipedes
What is a spotted snake millipede? Does Blaniulus guttulatus cause damage in gardens? If so, is there a spotted snake millipede control? The following article contains the answers to these questions and other Blaniulus guttulatus millipede information.
By Amy Grant
Yellowjacket Control Guide: How To Manage Yellowjacket Pests In Gardens
True scavengers that love meat and sweet food, yellowjackets are a real nuisance at outdoor get-togethers. They become even meaner when colonies are large and food is scarce. So, how to manage yellowjacket pests? Click this article for helpful tips.
By Mary H. Dyer
Tent Worms: Tent Caterpillar Home Remedy
Tent worms are more of an eyesore or slight nuisance rather than an actual threat. However, getting rid of tent caterpillars is occasionally necessary. The information in this article will help with that.
By Nikki Tilley