Insect pests in the garden can be a nightmare, especially when they're seeking out your plants as an appetizer or breeding ground. The following articles provide information on some of the most common of these problematic insects and what you can do to both prevent and rid them of your garden plots. Read on to learn more.
How To Kill Wasps - How To Eliminate Wasps From Your Yard
While wasps are often seen as pests, they're actually important for the garden as both predatory insects and pollinators. That being said, the use of a wasp deterrent is occasionally necessary. Learn more here.
By Nikki Tilley
Eliminating Mole Crickets - Information On Killing Mole Crickets
Left untreated, mole crickets can become destructive to the lawn. To prevent damage from occurring or getting out of hand, mole cricket elimination is often the only recourse. Learn more here.
By Nikki Tilley
Lawn Grubs - How To Get Rid Of Grub Worms
Lawn grubs live in the soil eating grass roots and leaving your yard brown and unsightly. Taking care of the problem is a matter of how to detect them and when to apply grub worm treatment. This article will help.
By Nikki Tilley
Identifying Root Maggots And Control Of Root Maggots
Root maggots can be a pain for any gardener. Knowing the symptoms of root maggots and control methods will help you keep this troublesome pests out of your garden. This article will help.
By Heather Rhoades
Backyard Mosquito Control - Mosquito Repellent & Other Methods Of Mosquito Control
There are several solutions to mosquito problems that let you enjoy your summer evenings outdoors without exposing you to toxic chemicals. Learn more about controlling mosquitoes in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
What Are Lygus Bugs: Tips For Lygus Bug Insecticide Control
Lygus bug, also called tarnished plant bug, is a destructive insect that causes serious damage in fruit orchards. This article has tips and information for controlling lygus bugs.
By Jackie Carroll
Controlling Fruit Flies: How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies In Garden Areas And Indoors
Those pesky little flies that seem to flood your kitchen from time to time are known as fruit flies or vinegar flies. They are not only a nuisance but can carry harmful bacteria. Find tips for controlling them here.
By Susan Patterson
June Bug Facts And How To Kill June Bugs
June bugs can cause damage to many landscape plants and be a pest to the home gardener. June bug insects can be controlled though with a few steps found in the following article.
By Heather Rhoades
Mealybugs: White Residue On Plants' Leaves
Houseplants are susceptible to pests, and one of those pests is mealybugs. Mealybugs will commonly leave a white residue on plant leaves that resembles cotton.
By Heather Rhoades
Controlling Flea Beetles In The Vegetable Garden: How To Get Rid Of Flea Beetles
Flea beetles are small but destructive little pests in the home landscape. Read the following article to learn how to kill flea beetles in vegetables and keep their damage under control.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Sawfly Insect Control: How To Get Rid Of Sawflies
Sightings of adult sawflies are rare, but you may occasionally see them near flowers and flower buds where their offspring cause damage to the foliage. Read here for more sawfly information.
By Jackie Carroll
Keeping Ants Off Flowering Vines, Vegetables and Flowers
Nothing can ruin the beauty of a lovely flower vine faster than a parade of little, black ants crawling all over the blossoms, and the same goes for your other flowers and vegetables. Learn more in this article.
By Heather Rhoades
Facts About Slugs And How To Kill Garden Slugs
By Heather Rhoades
Organic Snail Control: How To Control Garden Snails
By Heather Rhoades
Webworm Treatment: Tips For Controlling Webworms
Many people wonder what to do about webworms. When controlling fall webworms, it's useful to analyze what exactly they are. This article on fall webworm control will help with that.
By Amy Grant
Plants That Don't Attract Japanese Beetles - Japanese Beetle Resistant Plants
While eliminating Japanese beetles can be challenging, one of the things you can do is to grow plants that deter Japanese beetles. Find out more about Japanese beetle resistant plants in this article.
By Heather Rhoades
Controlling Thrips - How To Get Rid Of Thrips
Thrips are little slender insects that feed on prized garden plants, causing devastation when found in large numbers. Use the information in this article to control thrips pests in the garden.
By Gardening Know How