While it's not everyone's first option, and should only be used as a last resort, using pesticides to rid the garden of pests is sometimes a necessary evil. In the articles that follow, you will find tips and information on how to use these products safely as well as using other, more organic, pesticide solutions. You're not alone in the battle of the bugs...we are here to help.
How And When To Use Permethrin: Applying Permethrin In The Garden
What is permethrin? If you’ve had problems with garden pests, then you’ve probably heard of it. Permethrin is usually used for pests in the garden but may also be used as an insect repellent on clothing and tents. Click this article to learn about permethrin in the garden.
By Amy Grant
Can You Use Old Garden Products – Shelf Life For Pesticides And Herbicides
While it might be tempting to go ahead and use up those old containers of pesticides, experts say if garden products are more than two years old, they might do more harm than good, or just be ineffective. Learn about the shelf life for pesticides here.
By Susan Albert
What Is Miticide: Tips On How To Use Miticide On Plants
Mites are one of the most difficult garden pests to control. Sometimes miticides are useful when these pests get out of hand. What are miticides? Get more information from this article.
By Jackie Carroll
Azadirachtin Vs. Neem Oil – Are Azadirachtin And Neem Oil The Same Thing
What is azadirachtin insecticide? Are azadirachtin and neem oil the same? These are two common questions for gardeners seeking organic or less toxic solutions to pest control. We’ll explore the relationship between neem oil and azadirachtin insecticide in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
Repelling Bad Bugs With Plants
There's no way to get around having insects in the garden, but you can successfully scare bad bugs away with plants that deter insect pests. Learn more here.
By Nikki Tilley
What Are Pheromone Traps: Information On Pheromone Traps For Insects
Are you confused about pheromones? Do you know how they work and how they can help you control insects in the garden? Find out about these amazing, naturally occurring chemicals in this article. Click here to learn more.
By Jackie Carroll
What Is Pyola: Using Pyola Oil Spray For Pests In Gardens
Finding safe and effective yard treatments for pests can be a challenge. Pyola is a brand name, all-natural formula that is effective on some problem pests. What is Pyola? Find out here in the article that follows.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Safe Pesticide Usage: Using Pesticides In The Garden Safely
Using pesticides may not be the best solution for the environment, but sometimes it's the most effective way to take care of pest problems in the lawn and garden. This article has more information.
By Nikki Tilley
Mothballs In Gardens: Safe Alternatives To Mothballs For Pest Control
You?ve probably read tips on websites and in magazines that recommend using mothballs as rodent and pest repellents. Read this article to find out more about using mothballs to repel pests.
By Jackie Carroll
Bt Pest Control: Info For Controlling Pests With Bacillus Thuringiensis
You?ve likely heard recommendations for using Bt pest control, or Bacillus thuringiensis, in the home garden. But what exactly is this and how does using Bt in the garden work? Read here to learn more.
By Jackie Rhoades
What Is BioClay: Learn About Using BioClay Spray For Plants
Australian scientists from the University of Queensland have discovered what could ultimately become a "'vaccine" of sorts to plants - BioClay. What is BioClay and how can it help save our plants? Click this article to learn more.
By Nikki Tilley
What Is Pyrethrum: What Are The Uses For Pyrethrum In Gardens
Pyrethrum insecticide is a natural chemical. For additional information and tips on using this in the garden, the following article can help. Click here to learn more about it now and get a heads up on the bugs.
By Kristi Waterworth
What Is Nomesa Locustae: Using Nomesa Locustae In The Garden
Getting rid of grasshopper pests is often a tightrope walk between killing the grasshoppers and keeping the food safe for your family. Nosema locustae pest control will solve both of these problems. Learn more here.
By Anne Baley
What Is Kaolin Clay: Tips On Using Kaolin Clay In The Garden
Do you have a problem with birds eating your tender fruit? A solution may be an application of Kaolin clay. What is Kaolin clay? Read here to learn more about using Kaolin clay on fruit trees and other plants.
By Amy Grant
When To Apply Pesticides: Tips On Using Pesticides Safely
It might seem that the best time to use a pesticide is right when you see pesky insects. However, a few rules do apply and timing is also an important issue. Learn when to apply pesticides and some safe tricks and tips in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Epsom Salt and Garden Pests – How To Use Epsom Salt For Pest Control
Epsom salt is a naturally occurring mineral with virtually hundreds of uses around the home and garden. Learn more about using Epsom salt as pesticide, and how to use Epsom salt for pest control in gardens in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
What Is Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis: Learn About BTI Insecticide
When it comes to fighting mosquitoes and black flies, Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis pest control is probably the safest method. Read this article for info on using BTI on plants.
By Anne Baley