There are many types of garden weeds, making it difficult to know how to kill weeds, as not all methods work the same for all weed types. For this reason, we have attempted to make the task of weed control in lawns and gardens easier by providing tips on how to identify garden weeds. Once you know more about the common garden weeds found in the landscape, you’ll have a better idea on how to kill weeds that become bothersome. Whether it comes down to taking an organic approach or using a chemical method, our tips will alleviate future problems.
Complete Weeding Guide For Gardeners – How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Weeds
Learn effective methods of weed control.
By Teo Spengler
How To Identify Poison Ivy To Prevent A Painful Rash – Plus, Common Lookalike Plants
One mistake you don’t want to make is not knowing what poison ivy and oak look like. Learn about the differences in some poisonous plants to avoid.
By Caroline Bloomfield
Peppervine Control: Tips On Managing Peppervines In The Garden
Due to its vigorous root system, once peppervine takes hold, it will overtake a garden and choke out other plants in its path. Learn about controlling it.
By Shelley Pierce
What Is Hemp Dogbane: How To Get Rid Of Dogbane Weeds
Hemp dogbane weed is also known as Indian hemp. In earlier times it was used as a fiber plant. Today, it's considered a scourge in certain regions. Learn more about its control.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Buttercup Control: How To Kill Unwanted Buttercup Weeds In Your Garden
Its cheery yellow flowers are quite pretty, but buttercup has an insidious nature and will insert itself craftily into your landscape. Learn how to kill buttercup weeds.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Mugwort Control & Tips For Getting Rid Of Mugwort
Mugwort is a persistent weed but it is also a member of the Artemisia family of beneficial herbs. Mugwort control is a challenge due to its hardiness and spreading rhizomes. Learn about mugwort control.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Nimblewill Plant - Information On Nimblewill Treatment
Nimblewill grass pops up in turf lawn and looks a lot like turf grass, until it doesn't. Learn about some ways to control it.
By Nikki Tilley
What Is Windmill Grass: Learn About Windmill Grass Information And Control
Windmill grass is a prolific grower. Its windmill spikelets help to identify it.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Wild Lettuce Weeds: Tips For Controlling Prickly Lettuce
Wild lettuce weeds are unrelated to lettuce. So what is wild lettuce and how can you get rid of wild prickly lettuce?
By Amy Grant
Invasive Buckthorn – How To Get Rid Of Common Buckthorn Bushes
Identify and eliminate the invasive and noxious buckthorn plants growing in your yard.
By Teo Spengler
Alligator Weed Facts – Learn How To Kill Alligatorweed
Alligatorweed is very adaptable and invasive. It's an ecological, economic and biological threat.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Poison Oak Removal: Learn How To Get Rid Of Poison Oak Plants
Poison oak growing near your home can be disturbing. Unfortunately, getting rid of poison oak is not easy, but it's possible to get it under control. Here's how.
By Teo Spengler
Wild Cucumber Vine - Learn About Wild Cucumber Control
Wild cucumber vine is attractive but for most gardeners, however, wild cucumber plants are pesky weeds.
By Mary H. Dyer
Killing Vines In Hedges: How To Get Rid Of Vines In Hedges
Vines can be great in the garden but they can be a nuisance too. Remove those stubborn weedy vines within your hedges.
By Amy Grant
Most Effective Roundup Alternatives For A Safe & Weed-Free Garden
The use of chemical weed control is surrounded by uncertainties and debate, especially Roundup and its effects. Are there safe alternatives to Roundup for weeds in the garden? There are. Click on the following article for more information.
By Mary H. Dyer
What Is Common Teasel: Tips For Controlling Teasel Weeds
Common teasel is an exotic plant native to Europe, brought to the US by the earliest settlers. It has escaped cultivation..
By Mary H. Dyer
What Is Burning Nettle: Getting Rid Of Burning Nettle Plants
What is burning nettle, and what does it look like? It resembles stinging nettle, and its name describes the misery it can inflict.
By Mary H. Dyer