Biblical Garden Design: Tips For Creating A Biblical Garden

Genesis 2:15 “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” So, mankind's intertwined bond with earth began, and man's relationship with woman (Eve), but that's a different story. Biblical garden plants are referenced continually throughout the Bible. In fact, more than 125 plants, trees, and herbs are noted in scriptures. Read on for tips on how to create a biblical garden with some of these bible garden plants.
What is a Bible Garden?
The birth of human beings is comingled with our connection to nature and our desire to bend nature to our will and use her bounties to benefit ourselves. This desire, combined with a passion for history and/or theological connection, may intrigue the gardener, leading him or her to wonder what is a bible garden and how do you go about creating a biblical garden? All gardeners know about the spiritual communion a garden provides. Many of us find a sense of peace as we garden that is akin to meditation or prayer. Specifically, however, biblical garden design incorporates plants that are specifically mentioned within the pages of the Bible. You may choose to intersperse some of these plants amongst existing landscapes, or create an entire garden based on scripture excerpts or chapters of the Bible.
Biblical Garden Design
Regardless of your biblical garden design, you will want to consider horticultural and botanical aspects, such as which plants are climatically suited to your region or if the area can accommodate tree or shrub growth. This is true with any garden. You may want to plan on grouping certain species, like grasses or herbs, in the same area not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for ease of care. Maybe a biblical flower garden devoted to only blooming plants mentioned in the Bible. Include paths, water features, biblical sculptures, meditative benches, or arbors. Think about your target audience. For instance, is this a biblical flower garden targeted towards parishioners of church grounds? You may want to consider the needs of the disabled then. Also, clearly label the plants and maybe even include a scriptural quote in reference to its place in the Bible.
Plants for Creating a Biblical Garden
There are numerous plants to choose from and a simple search on the Internet will give a comprehensive list, but the following are just some of the options to explore:
From Exodus
- Blackberry bush (Rubus sanctus)
- Acacia
- Bulrush
- Burning bush (Loranthus acaciae)
- Cassia
- Coriander
- Dill
- Sage
From amongst the pages of Genesis
While botanists find no certain identity for the “Tree of Life” and the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” in the Garden of Eden, arborvitae is named for the former and the apple tree (in reference to Adam's apple) has been appropriated as the latter.
Plants in Proverbs
From Matthew
From Ezekiel
Within the pages of Kings
- Almug tree
- Caper
- Cedar of Lebanon
- Lily
- Pine tree
Found within Song of Solomon
The list goes on and on. Sometimes plants are named botanically in reference to a passage in the Bible, and these may be included in the scheme of your biblical garden as well. For instance, lungwort, or Pulmonaria officinalis, is called “Adam and Eve” in reference to its dual bloom colors. The groundcover Hedera helix might be a nice choice, meaning “walked at paradise in the afternoon air” from Genesis 3:8. Viper's bugloss, or adder's tongue, named for its tongue-like white stamens which bring to mind the Genesis serpent, might be included in the biblical garden. It only took God three days to create plants, but as you are only human, take some time to plan your biblical garden design. Do some research combined with reflection to achieve your own little slice of Eden.
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Amy Grant has been gardening for 30 years and writing for 15. A professional chef and caterer, Amy's area of expertise is culinary gardening.
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