Urban Gardens
Whether it’s a balcony garden or rooftop garden, urban garden layouts can actually be quite versatile so you don’t have to live out in the country to enjoy growing your favorite plants and veggies. With our urban gardening ideas, you’ll find tips for starting an urban garden of any size. Learn how to grow urban vegetable gardens and care for your plants in the city, even in an apartment. You, too, can enjoy home grown veggies. So keep reading to find all the information you need to create fabulous urban garden layouts anywhere.
Urban Garden Rat Problem – Tips For Rat Control In City Gardens
Urban gardeners battle the same set of pests and diseases that rural gardeners do with one wily addition - rats. What kind of rat control can be practiced in city gardens to deal with the urban garden rat problem? Find out in this article.
By Amy Grant
Urban Apartment Gardening: Gardening Tips For Apartment Dwellers
Growing veggies and larger specimens in an apartment can be a challenge. Fortunately, urban gardening ideas abound and there are a host of ways to grow tiny gardens for the space restricted gardener. This article will help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Urban Fruit Tree Info: Tips For Growing Columnar Fruit Trees
Columnar fruit trees are basically trees that grow up instead of out. Because the branches are short, the trees are well-suited to small gardens in urban or suburban environments. Learn how to grow these trees in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
Creating An Urban Jungle: Urban Jungle Apartment Ideas
Living in a small apartment in the city doesn’t mean you have to live without plants. Create an urban jungle apartment space to enjoy the benefits of soothing nature indoors. And this isn’t limited to apartments – you can do it in any setting. Learn how in this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Being An Urban Gardener: Creating A City Vegetable Garden
Even if you're an urban gardener with little space, you can still benefit from growing a city vegetable garden. Use the following information to help get you started. Click here to get started.
By Nikki Tilley
Landscaping With Neighbors: Planting A Friendly Neighbor Perennial Garden
Does your neighborhood lack color and vibrancy? Perhaps there are areas that need updating? Planting a perennial garden for neighbors is one way to make the neighborhood more welcoming. Click here to learn more about creating a friendly neighbor perennial garden.
By Laura Miller
Urban Microclimate Wind – Learn About Wind Microclimate Around Buildings
If you’re a gardener, you are no doubt familiar with microclimates. In urban settings, microclimate swings can be a result of increased temperatures that create high wind microclimates around buildings. To learn more about wind microclimates, click here.
By Amy Grant
Urban Farming Facts – Information About Agriculture In The City
Urban agriculture might be the next thing for you to try. With urban agriculture, one isn’t limited on where to garden. For more information on just what urban agriculture is, click the following article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Full Sun Window Boxes: Choosing Window Box Plants For Sun Exposure
The decision regarding what to grow in window boxes will depend on the growing conditions where sited. Considering water needs and amount of sunlight will be key in growing successful window boxes. Click here for window box designs for full sun locations.
By Tonya Barnett
Sharing Garden Ideas: Benefits From Sharing Community Gardens
Nothing feels better than sharing with others. For information on neighborhood gardens that share and some garden sharing ideas, click here.
By Tonya Barnett
Vertical Apartment Balcony Garden: Growing A Balcony Vertical Garden
A balcony vertical garden is a great way to make good use of limited space. Click here for ideas and tips on creating an apartment balcony garden.
By Mary H. Dyer
Winterizing Urban Gardens: Caring For Urban Gardens In Winter
Urban gardening is often synonymous with small space gardening, and urban gardening in the winter is no exception. Check out this article for more information on how to overwinter an urban garden.
By Liz Baessler
Urban Rock Garden Tips: Creating A Rock Garden In The City
Rock gardens are perfect for small, barren spaces because they welcome plants that are used to just such an environment and make for a different, but still brightly floral, use of space. Click here to learn about city rock garden design.
By Liz Baessler
Urban Patio Gardens: Designing A Patio Garden In The City
Whether you want a refreshingly green place to sit or a productive edible space, you?d be amazed what you can do with a small urban patio. This article will help with tips and information for creating an urban patio garden.
By Liz Baessler
Hugelkultur Information: Tips On Using The Hugelkultur System
A hugelkultur system is an excellent way to harvest and recycle any woody materials around the garden. What is a hugelkulture bed? It is a gardening method that starts out with a pile of logs and branches. Click for more hugelkulture information.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Rooftop Gardening For City Dwellers
If you enjoy gardening but find yourself limited by space, rooftop gardening can provide an excellent alternative, especially for city dwellers. For help with getting started, read this article.
By Nikki Tilley
What Is An Urban Garden: Learn About Urban Garden Design
While gardening in the city may not be as easy as stepping outside into a fertile backyard, it?s far from impossible and in some ways even preferable! Click this article to learn more about creating an urban garden.
By Liz Baessler