Aralia Plants
Your ultimate guide to Aralia Plants: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
Aralia Plant Information: Tips On Growing Aralias
Aralia is a striking, multi-stemmed plant of more than 70 species. With so many types of aralia from which to choose, you can enjoy a variety of forms. Read this article for more aralia plant information, including growing aralias and care of aralias.
By Mary H. Dyer
Potted Fatsia Care: Tips On Growing A Fatsia Indoors
Fatsia is an evergreen shrub and is a pretty tough and forgiving plant in outdoor gardens, but it is also possible to grow fatsia indoors. Your potted fatsia inside may not get flowers, but you can still enjoy the exotic foliage given proper indoor culture. Learn more here.
By Raffaele Di Lallo
Propagating Fatsia From Seed: When And How To Plant Fatsia Seeds
Waiting for a shrub to grow from a seed may seem like something that will take forever to do. However, fatsia shrubs actually grow rather quickly and may not take as long as you think. For more information on how to grow fatsia from seed, click the following article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
How To Care For Ming Aralia Houseplants
Why the Ming Aralia ever fell out of favor as a houseplant is beyond me. This plant is one of the easiest houseplants available. With a little care and know how from this article, you can grow this plant in your home.
By Heather Rhoades