Your ultimate guide to Barley: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
Barley Leaf Blotch Control: Treating Barley Speckled Leaf Blotch
Barley speckled leaf blotch is a fungal disease resulting in lower yields. While barley with leaf blotch is not a fatal condition, it opens the crop up to further infections that can decimate the field. Learn about preventing and treating leaf blotch in barley crops here.
By Amy Grant
Barley Basal Glume Blotch – How To Treat Glume Rot On Barley Plants
Basal glume blotch is a disease that can affect cereal grains, including barley, and can cause serious damage to the plant and even kill young seedlings. Click the following article to learn more about recognizing and treating basal glume blotch of barley crops.
By Liz Baessler
Barley Leaf Rust Info: How To Treat Leaf Rust On Barley Plants
Leaf rust on barley has likely been an attendant disease since its original cultivation around 8,000 BC. This fungal disease can harm the productivity of the plants. Learn how to prevent barley leaf rust and gain bigger yields of healthier plants in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Barley Stem Rust Control – How To Stop Stem Rust Of Barley Plants
Stem rust is an economically important disease, as it affects and can seriously reduce the yield of wheat and barley. Stem rust of barley can devastate your harvest if you grow this grain, but awareness and recognizing the signs early can help minimize the damage. Learn more here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Barley Powdery Mildew Control: How To Treat Barley Powdery Mildew
If you grow barley in your home garden, it’s important to learn to recognize the symptoms of barley with powdery mildew. Click on the following article for more information on powdery mildew, as well as tips on barley powdery mildew control.
By Teo Spengler
Barley Harvest Tips – How And When To Harvest Barley
You can easily grow a few rows of barley in your backyard garden. The trick to getting a good crop is knowing how and when to harvest barley. Click here for information about how to harvest barley, including tips on the timing of a barley harvest.
By Teo Spengler
Barley Grain Care Guide: Can You Grow Barley At Home
Can you grow barley at home? You don't need acres of land to grow barley in the garden, but it may be hard to source small amounts of seed. Even if you are not a beer enthusiast, you can learn how to grow barley for bread, soups and stews. This article can get you started.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Barley Tillering And Heading Information – Learn About Barley Heads And Tillers
If you are thinking of growing barley in your home garden, you’ll need to learn about barley tillering and heading. What are barley tillers? What is a barley head? Click on the following article to learn the ins and outs of tillering and heading of barley plants.
By Teo Spengler
What Is 6-Row Barley – How To Grow 6-Row Barley For Beer Making
Whether wishing to make their farm more sustainable or hoping to grow barley for its use in beer making, there is no doubt that its growers have mixed opinions regarding how different types of the plant should be used, like 6-row barley plants. Learn more about it here.
By Tonya Barnett
What Is 2-Row Barley – Why Grow 2-Row Barley Plants At Home
Although labor intensive, the process of growing grains, such as 2-row malting barley, for use in home brewing is one that can be extremely rewarding. Learn more about growing 2-row barley for beer in this article. Click here for additional information.
By Tonya Barnett
Growing Malted Barley – How To Grow Beer Barley At Home
Today, there are many beer making kits available, but why not take it a step further by growing your own malted barley. Click on the following article to find out how to grow and harvest malted beer barley from your own backyard.
By Amy Grant
Barley Plant Nematodes: What Are Some Nematodes That Affect Barley
There are a variety of nematodes that affect barley and other small grain crops. If you have any of these crops in your garden, click here for information on the nematodes of barley. We’ll also give you tips on how to prevent barley nematodes.
By Teo Spengler
Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus: Tips On Controlling Mosaic Virus Of Barley
Recognizing and preventing various diseases which affect wheat, oat, and barley crops is an important key to success. One disease, barley stripe mosaic, can dramatically impact the overall health, vigor, and production of home-grown grain crops. Learn more here.
By Tonya Barnett
What Is Barley Take-All: Treating Barley Take-All Disease
Barley take-all disease is a serious problem afflicting cereal crops and bentgrasses. Treating barley take-all relies on recognizing the symptoms of the disease and requires a multi-management approach. Learn more about it in this article.
By Amy Grant
Barley Sharp Eyespot Control – Tips For Treating Barley Sharp Eyespot Disease
Barley, wheat, and other grains are susceptible to a fungal disease called sharp eyespot. Fortunately, it shouldn’t have a big impact on yield. Knowing the signs of sharp eyespot and what to do about it if it turns up in your garden can help. Learn more here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus: Treating Yellow Dwarf Virus Of Barley Plants
Barley yellow dwarf virus is a destructive viral disease that affects grain plants around the world. Unfortunately, the options for treating barley yellow dwarf are limited, but it’s possible to slow the spread, thus minimizing the damage. Learn more in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
Barley Loose Smut Info: What Is Barley Loose Smut Disease
Barley loose smut? It is a seed-borne illness that can occur anywhere barley is grown from untreated seed. The name comes from the loose seed heads produced that are covered in black spores. You don't want this in your field, so click here for more barley loose smut info.
By Bonnie L. Grant