Your ultimate guide to Fegen: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
Can You Bury Fruit Trees: How To Bury A Fruit Tree For Winter Protection
Considering fruit trees winter protection may be crucial to the tree's survival. A simple, effective, and long-standing method of protection is burying fruit trees in winter with snow or with mulch. This article will help.
By Amy Grant
How To Control Fruitworms - Getting Rid Of Fruitworms Naturally
There are several types of fruitworms, which are pests of fruit trees and the damage they cause can be great. To help with this, you can read here for fruitworm control information.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Fruit Tree Spray Schedule: Tips On Proper Fruit Tree Spraying Times
Fruit trees aren't as carefree as you might like. Pests and disease often affect them. Spraying fruit trees is the best way to avoid problems, and this article will help with that. Click here to learn more.
By Anne Baley
Splitting Of Stone Fruits: What Is Pit Split In Stone Fruit
If you?re suffering from splitting of stone fruits, then it is likely due to what is known as stone fruit pit split. So what is pit split and what causes it in the first place? Read here to learn more.
By Jackie Carroll
What Is Plum Pox: Learn About The Control Of Plum Pox Disease
Control of plum pox disease has been a long process in many areas, especially where aphids transmit the disease between closely spaced plants. Learn more about plum pox in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
Growing Tropical Fruit Trees - Types Of Exotic Tropical Fruit To Grow At Home
Most people are familiar with a certain number of common tropical fruits, but there are many lesser known tropical fruit varieties that can be fun to grow too. Learn about them in this article.
By Susan Patterson
Do Fruit Trees Attract Wasps: Tips On Keeping Wasps Away From Fruit Trees
Hornets, yellow jackets, and all wasps are generally beneficial predatory insects. Unfortunately, wasps on fruit pose a bit of a danger, so keeping wasps away from fruit trees is important. Learn more here.
By Amy Grant
Squirrels Fruit Tree Protection: Using Squirrel Deterrents For Fruit Trees
Knowing how to keep squirrels out of fruit trees will help you enjoy their antics without worrying about destructive behaviors. This article can help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Fruit Tree Spacing: How Far Apart Do You Plant Fruit Trees In The Garden
How far apart do you plant fruit trees? Proper spacing for fruit trees is of paramount importance, allowing them to attain maximum potential and giving easy access when harvesting. The following article discusses space requirements for fruit trees.
By Amy Grant
Preventing Fruit Tree Diseases – What Are Common Fruit Tree Diseases
Fruit trees are a great asset to any garden or landscape. They provide shade, flowers, a yearly harvest, and a great talking point. But they can also be very vulnerable to disease. Learn more about common fruit tree diseases in this article.
By Liz Baessler
What Is Dormant Oil: Information About Dormant Oil Sprays On Fruit Trees
In late winter, your fruit trees may be dormant but your chores in the yard aren't. Late winter and early spring means it's time to apply dormant oil. Learn more here in this article so you can get a jump on potential pest problems.
By Anne Baley
Fruit Bearing Shade Plants: Growing Fruiting Plants For Shade Gardens
Most fruits and vegetables need full sun for at least 8 hours per day in order to produce. How about fruits to grow in the shade? Are there fruiting plants for shade gardens? Surprisingly, yes. Learn about fruit bearing shade plants in this article.
By Amy Grant
Moisture Loving Fruit Trees – Fruit Trees That Grow In Wet Conditions
Some fruit trees are also more susceptible to crown or root rots than others. These plants may take on significant damage from just short periods of wet feet. Click on the following article to learn more about fruit trees that grow in wet conditions.
By Darcy Larum
What Are Brambles – Learn What Makes A Plant A Bramble
Brambles are plants that belong to the same family as the rose, Rosaceae. The group is pretty diverse and the members are favorites of gardeners who enjoy growing and eating berries. But what are these plants exactly? Click here to learn more about bramble bushes.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
What Is Biennial Bearing: Information On Alternate Bearing Of Fruit Trees
A common irregularity observed in fruit trees across the world is biennial bearing - fruiting every other year. Learn more about what causes this and how to prevent biennial bearing in this article.
By Susan Patterson