Your ultimate guide to Firebush: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
Firebush Pruning Guide – Learn How To Prune A Firebush
Cutting back a firebush needs to be done at the right time in order to preserve the next year's flowers. Learn when to trim a firebush so you can keep it tidy and still enjoy a lushly blooming plant. This article will help get you started.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Firebush Seed Sowing: When To Plant Firebush Seeds
If you are wondering about growing beautiful and easy-care firebush, then click this article for information on firebush seed propagation. We’ll offer tips on growing firebush from seeds including when and how to plant firebush seeds.
By Teo Spengler
Firebush Transplant Guide – How To Transplant A Firebush Shrub
Firebush is a fast-growing shrub that reaches heights of 3 to 5 feet (1 to 1.5 m.) fairly quickly and moving a firebush can be tricky. Click on the following article for tips and advice on transplanting a firebush without damaging the roots.
By Mary H. Dyer
Firebush Watering Guide – Tips For Watering A Firebush Shrub
Firebush is practically bullet-proof once established and tends to be relatively drought tolerant, but it does regular irrigation, especially during the early years. Click on the following article and we’ll discuss firebush water requirements.
By Mary H. Dyer
Firebush Information – How To Grow Hamelia Firebush Plants
The name firebush doesn't just describe this plant's gorgeous, flame-colored flowers; it also describes how well the large shrub tolerates intense heat and sun. Growing a firebush is easy if you know what conditions it needs to thrive. This article can help with that.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Firebush Fertilizer Guide: How Much Fertilizer Does A Firebush Need
Firebush is easy to grow, requires very little maintenance, and tends to be relatively drought-tolerant once established. How much fertilizer does a firebush need? The answer is very little. Click here to learn three options for feeding firebush.
By Mary H. Dyer
Firebush Winter Care Guide – Can You Grow A Firebush In Winter
Known for its bright red flowers and extreme heat tolerance, firebush is a popular blooming perennial. But as with many plants that thrive on heat, the question of cold quickly arises. Learn more about firebush cold tolerance and firebush winter care here.
By Liz Baessler
Can You Grow A Firebush Hedge: Firebush Boundary Plant Guide
Known for its dazzlingly red flowers and ability to sustain high temperatures, firebush is also known for being able to take a serious pruning. These qualities combine to make it a great choice for a natural hedge. Learn more about growing firebush hedge plants here.
By Liz Baessler
Uses For Firebush Plants: What Is Firebush Good For
Firebush earns its name two ways - one for its blazing red foliage and flowers, and one for its ability to thrive in the extreme summer heat. The versatile plant has several uses, both in and beyond the garden. Learn more about using firebush shrubs in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Firebush Container Care: Can You Grow Firebush In A Pot
A lover of hot weather, firebush is native to tropical regions. In cooler, non-tropical locations, firebush can be grown as an annual or container plant. Click here to learn some care tips for potted firebush plants and see if this plant is for you.
By Darcy Larum
Firebush Leaf Drop: Reasons For No Leaves On A Firebush
Firebush is generally easy to grow if you live in the warm climates of USDA plant hardiness zone 9 through 11, but even this hardy shrub is sometimes beset by problems, including firebush leaf drop. Explore what may be to blame in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
Firebush Propagation – Learn How To Propagate Firebush Shrubs
Firebush is a great flowering and colorful shrub for hot-climate gardens. It provides months of color and attracts pollinators. Firebush propagation, if you already have firebush in your garden, can be done by seed or cuttings. Learn more in this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis