Your ultimate guide to Kiwi: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
Tricolor Kiwi Information: How To Grow A Tricolor Kiwi Plant
Actinidia kolomikta is a hardy kiwi vine that is commonly known as tricolor kiwi plant because of its variegated foliage. Also known as arctic kiwi, it is one of the hardiest of the kiwi vines. For tips on growing tricolor kiwi, click this article.
By Darcy Larum
Feeding Kiwi Fruit: When And How To Fertilize Kiwis
Fertilizing kiwi plants is an important part of their care and will ensure a bumper crop of delicious fruits. Gain a little knowledge on how to fertilize kiwis and enhance these vines' productivity and health in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Kiwi Plant Types – Different Varieties Of Kiwi Fruit
There are many types of kiwi fruit to grow in your landscape depending upon your zone and the space you have available. Choose your kiwi plant types by your location but also by your flavor and size preferences. This article will help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Rooting Kiwi Cuttings: Tips On Growing Kiwis From Cuttings
Kiwi plants are usually propagated asexually by grafting fruiting varieties onto rootstock or by rooting kiwi cuttings. Propagating kiwi cuttings is a fairly simple process for the home gardener. This article will help. Click here for more info.
By Amy Grant
Pests Of Kiwi Vines: Information For Treating Kiwi Bugs
While kiwi plants are tough and relatively easy to grow, they can fall prey to various kiwi plant pests. Learn more about kiwi insects and tips for treating kiwi bugs in this article. Click here for additional information.
By Mary H. Dyer
Kiwi Plant Not Flowering: How To Get A Kiwi Plant To Bloom
What should be done for a kiwi plant not flowering? If there are no flowers, there will be no fruit on your kiwi vine. To learn more about non-blooming kiwis, this article will help. Click here for more information.
By Karen Boness
No Fruit On Kiwi Vine: How To Get Kiwi Fruit
One of the major complaints when growing your own is a kiwi plant not producing. So how can you get kiwi to fruit? This article has tips on helping a kiwi vine that is not fruiting. Click here to learn more about non-fruiting kiwis.
By Amy Grant
Caring For Kiwi: How To Grow Hardy Red Kiwi Fruit
Hardy Red kiwi produces grape-sized, fuzz-less fruit with an authentic kiwi flavor. For information on growing them, click the following article.
By Laura Miller
Kiwi Pruning: How Do You Trim A Kiwi Plant
Kiwi is a vigorous vine that quickly grows out of control if not grown on a solid supporting structure and pruned regularly. Knowing how to cut a kiwi vine is an essential part of growing kiwi fruit. Read more here.
By Jackie Carroll
Harvesting Kiwi Fruit: How And When To Harvest Kiwis
Kiwi fruit is a lovely green with tiny uniform and edible black seeds inside the fuzzy brown skin, which is removed before eating. Find out when to harvest the tasty fruits in this article.
By Amy Grant
Kiwi Fruit - Growing Hardy Kiwi Vine In Gardens
Hardy kiwi plants give gardeners in cooler zones an opportunity to grow kiwi fruit. Find tips on hardy kiwi growing in this article.
By Caroline Bloomfield
Information About Pollinating Kiwi Plants
Kiwi fruit grows on large, deciduous vines that can live many years. Just like with the birds and the bees, kiwis require male and female plants to reproduce. Click here for more information on kiwi plant pollination in the garden.
By Teo Spengler
Kiwi Plant Identification: Determining Sex Of Kiwi Vine Plants
In order for the plant to set fruit, both male and female kiwi vines are necessary. But one question plagues the grower. How do I tell the difference between male and female kiwis? Learn how in this article.
By Amy Grant
Kiwi Leaves Turn Brown – Reasons For Kiwi Vines Turning Yellow Or Brown
Healthy kiwi leaves are a brilliant green during the growing season, and you might well become worried when your kiwi leaves turn brown or you see yellowing kiwi plants. Click this article for information about steps to take when you see kiwi leaves turning yellow.
By Teo Spengler
Fruit Companion Planting: Companion Planting Around Kiwi Vines
Companions for kiwi can help the plants grow more vigorously and fruit more prolifically. Not every plant is an ideal kiwi companion plants, though. What plants make the most ideal kiwi plant companions? Click this article to learn more.
By Amy Grant
Kiwi Winter Care: Care Of Hardy Kiwi Over Winter
The hardy kiwi is much more resilient in cold temps but, even so, may need special kiwi winter care. How do you go about winterizing hardy kiwi and does hardy kiwi require overwintering? Read this article to learn more.
By Amy Grant
Kiwi Plant Trimming: Pruning Mature Kiwi Vines In The Garden
Regular pruning is an essential part of caring for kiwi vines. Kiwi vines left to their own devices quickly become a tangled mess. But pruning overgrown kiwi vines is also possible if you follow simple trimming steps. This article will help.
By Teo Spengler