Your ultimate guide to Lemongrass: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
Lemongrass Repotting: How To Repot Lemongrass Herbs
The one problem with growing lemongrass in containers is that it spreads quickly and will have to be divided and repotted frequently. Use the information found in this article to learn more about how to repot lemongrass.
By Liz Baessler
Lemongrass Propagation – Regrowing Lemongrass Plants In Water
Lemongrass propagates with a very high success rate from the cuttings you can buy at the grocery store. Learn more about propagating a lemongrass plant and regrowing lemongrass plants in water using the information found in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Steps For Harvesting Lemongrass
While lemongrass is easy to grow and care for, some people are not sure about when or how to go about picking lemongrass. This article can help with that so you can harvest lemongrass with confidence.
By Nikki Tilley
Growing Lemongrass Indoors: Tips On Planting Lemongrass In Pots
You can grow lemongrass from the stalks you buy in the grocery store. Click on this article to learn about care for indoor lemongrass plants and how to grow lemongrass indoors. Once you try your hand at growing this plant, you won't need to buy it again.
By Liz Baessler
DIY Lemongrass Tea: How To Make Lemongrass Tea
Making lemongrass tea is easy. Click this article for a quick DIY lemongrass tea that will wake you up with zingy goodness.
By Bonnie L. Grant
When To Water Lemongrass – What Are Lemongrass Water Requirements
Caring for a lemongrass plant is easy, but one thing it is fussy about is water. Knowing when to water lemongrass and how much the plant requires is helpful. The information in this article provides tips for lemongrass watering.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Propagating Lemongrass By Division: Tips On Dividing Lemongrass Plants
Lemongrass is generally grown from stem cuttings or divisions. If you have wondered "can I propagate lemongrass," the answer is yes. Propagating lemongrass by division is the simplest process. Find out how to divide lemongrass plants here.
By Amy Grant
Lemongrass Plant Turning Brown: Help For Brown Leaves On Lemongrass
Lemongrass is a citrus scented grass used in many Asian dishes. It also makes a lovely, easy to grow addition to the garden. Easy to grow it may be, but not without issues. Lemongrass turning brown can be a problem. Click here to learn more.
By Amy Grant
Lemongrass Companion Plants – What To Plant With Lemongrass
Lemongrass is a sweet pungent, citrusy plant often used in Asian cooking. It is a sun-loving plant, so companion planting with lemongrass should include other plants that like to bask in plenty of heat and light. This article provides some suggestions.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Lemongrass Pruning: How To Cut Back Lemongrass Plants
Lemongrass is fast growing and can get a little unruly if not pruned back regularly. Use the information in the following article to learn more about how to cut back lemongrass. Click here for more lemongrass pruning info.
By Liz Baessler