Your ultimate guide to Marigold: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
Marigold Leaf Problems: Treating Marigolds With Yellow Leaves
Marigold blossoms are a bright, sunny yellow, but the foliage below the flowers is supposed to be green. If your marigold leaves are turning yellow, you've got marigold leaf problems. To learn what might be causing yellowing marigold leaves, click here.
By Teo Spengler
Using Marigolds Around Plants – Do Marigolds Keep Bugs Away
Do marigolds keep bugs away? The best way to find out is to experiment in your own garden, and you really can't go wrong. There's no doubt they attract a variety of beneficial insects that prey on bad bugs. Learn more about marigold plants and pests here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Marigold And Tomato Companion Planting: Do Marigolds And Tomatoes Grow Well Together
Marigolds are appreciated for much more than their beauty; marigold and tomato companion planting is a tried and true technique used by gardeners for hundreds of years. What are the benefits of growing these together? Click here to find out.
By Mary H. Dyer
African Marigold Care: How To Grow African Marigolds
African marigolds were sacred to the Aztecs, who used them as a medicine and as a ceremonial offering to the sun gods. Marigolds are still called the herb of the sun because of this. Click this article for more African marigold information.
By Darcy Larum
Mountain Marigold Care – How To Grow Bush Marigold Plants
A beautiful annual scene is caused by the fall bloom period of Mountain Lemmon marigolds, which may also bloom sporadically in spring and summer, but save their best display for autumn. Click on this article to read more about mountain marigold plants.
By Darcy Larum
Planting Marigold Seeds: Learn When And How To Plant Marigold Seeds
Since they're so popular, live plants are available at just about any garden center. But it's a lot cheaper and more fun growing marigolds by seed. You can learn more about how to plant marigold seeds in this article. Click here for additional information.
By Liz Baessler
No Flowers On Marigolds: What To Do When Marigolds Will Not Bloom
Getting a marigold to flower usually isn't a difficult task, as the hardy annuals usually bloom nonstop from early summer until autumn. If your marigolds will not bloom, the fix is usually fairly simple. Click here for a few helpful suggestions.
By Mary H. Dyer
Collecting Marigold Seeds: Learn How To Harvest Marigold Seeds
Marigold seeds aren't exactly expensive, but they do have to be replanted every year. Why not try collecting and storing marigold seeds this year? This article will help you learn how to harvest marigold seeds from your own garden. Click here for more info.
By Liz Baessler
Marigolds As Food – Tips On Growing Edible Marigolds
For the most part, marigolds are planted for annual color in pots and gardens, or sometimes around other plants to repel insects. But did you know that marigold flowers are edible? This article has information about growing edible marigolds.
By Amy Grant
French Marigold Facts: Learn How To Plant French Marigolds
Marigolds have been a garden staple for decades. If you need a shorter variety, French marigolds are an option. Aromatic and colorful too, they will brighten up any garden. Read this article to learn more about planting and care of French marigolds.
By Gardening Know How
Marigold Flower Uses: Marigold Benefits For Gardens And Beyond
Marigolds are appreciated primarily for their beauty, and you may not have considered the many surprising marigold benefits for gardens. Click on the following article to learn about ways to use marigold plants in the garden.
By Mary H. Dyer
Marigold Vs. Calendula – Difference Between Marigolds And Calendulas
It’s a common question: Are marigold and calendula the same? The simple answer is no. Although both are members of the sunflower family, marigolds and calendula are plants with different genera. Why all the confusion? Find out in this article and how to tell them apart.
By Mary H. Dyer
Growing Marigold Flowers: How To Grow Marigolds
For many people, marigold flowers are among the first flowers they remember growing. While growing them is quite easy, the following article will help provide tips for their continued care.
By Heather Rhoades
Signet Marigold Care - Tips For Growing Signet Marigolds
If you love the flowers and fragrance of marigolds, include edible marigolds that perform double duty in the garden. Growing signet marigolds add color, plus flowers you can eat. Learn more here.
By Becca Badgett
Do Marigolds Repel Bees: Learn About Marigolds And Honeybees
The following article covers the use of marigold flowers in keeping bees away, and if it's even possible. Why keep these beneficial insects away? Many people are highly allergic to these insects and, as such, look for alternative solutions to their presence in the garden.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Marigold Companions: What To Plant With Marigolds
Gardeners value marigolds for more than their appearance, as many think they have pest-repellant properties that keep nearby plants healthy and free of harmful bugs. Click here to learn about companion planting with marigold flowers.
By Mary H. Dyer
Caring For Marigolds In Pots – Tips On Growing Marigolds In Containers
Marigolds are easygoing plants that bloom reliably, even in direct sunlight, punishing heat and poor to average soil. Although they are beautiful in the ground, growing marigolds in containers is a surefire way to enjoy this delightful plant. Learn more here.
By Mary H. Dyer