Parlor Palm
Your ultimate guide to Parlor Palm: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
Outdoor Parlor Palms: How To Care For Parlor Palm Outside
As a houseplant, it can't be beat, but can you grow parlor palms outdoors? In sub-tropical zones, you can cultivate outdoor parlor palms. The rest of us can try planting parlor palm outside in containers through summer. Click here to learn more.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Seed Propagation Of Parlor Palms: Learn How To Plant Parlor Palm Seeds
While most trees can be propagated a variety of ways, parlor palm can only be propagated by seed. The good news is that seed propagation of parlor palms is relatively easy. Click this article and learn how to plant parlor palm seeds.
By Mary H. Dyer